The Bold Voice of J&K

Changed national governing system

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The changed national governing system under the leadership of PM Modi the NDA has started new writings on global screen. Modi has practically touched every global problem and suggested some lines to solve at the highest platform of UN. None of the leaders of other nations ever touched these points including Indian past leadership. Modi address revolves around two major points to solve everything is to collectively fight against global terrorism and to strengthen UN together to ease out the world environment.
Crushing global terrorism requires either the terrorist sponsoring countries to shelve it or others have to make her to do so. Pakistan is the hub of terrorism whose survival is based on it. To keep her internal political survival she has to keep no-existent Kashmir problem alive. Pakistan leadership is not that fool as normally society feel as Nawaz Shrief seeking self-determination under UN resolution knows better than many that she has to withdraw its forces from POJK to let India have control on the state. Pakistan knows that Indo-Pak agreement of Shimla outdates and rejects the UN resolution with commitment to settle any and every problem with bilaterally conversations. This conversation connected with Kashmir has only one point that when she will handover POJK illegally occupied by her to India.
The previous Indian governments relied defensively in saying that the Kashmir is the integral part of India and never politically pulled Pakistan to handover POJK. India must tell Pakistan to come on the tables to decide when they are going to vacate that part of this state. No other point is debatable on Kashmir.
Indian PM now has frankly told the Pakistan leadership to stop the terrorism sponsored by them against India to have cordial discussion on identical problems two nations have. This is a massage to the Kashmir separatists, political regional parties and others to be nationalist.
The Indian electronic media has started group discussions on every word uttered by Modi which creates confusion for the group who discuss and the people who watch it. Basically the entire speech or statement has a message based on the entire set and not worth acceptable or debatable if each line or word is separately interpreted. The intellectuals and the electronic media journalists require thinking and examining it.
Modi address in UN in five words have claimed and justified its permanent membership with veto power based on the fact that this is due for all those nations who contribute in global peace missions by deploying their defence personnel under UN command and India is major contributor. This all depends on it’s that part where he touches counter global terrorism.
India has wasted sixty eight years of independence developments and global status by the immature internal and foreign policy of Congress lead by Jawaharlal Nehru being still followed by the Nehru-Gandhi family by thrusting on the partymen and nation to accept. Inspite of all-round opposition of Indian and congress leadership including Mahatma Gandhi Jawaharlal rushed to UN to make Kashmir as a problem. He untimely imposed ceasefire when Pakistan was on heels and Indian Army was to speedily recapture the entire state area from Pakistan. His folly to please his friend Sheikh Abdullah at the cost of nation is still held with its chest by the Nehru-Gandhi family. Indira Gandhi thrusted Sheikh Abdullah on the State people, Rajiv Gandhi pleased Farooq Abdullah, Sonia also stood with Farooq Abdullah and Rahul Gandhi is closer friend of Omar Abdullah to protect him on every step. This family and its other leaders and workers have no courage to accept this folly for their vested interests or they lack capacity to change with time.
Society had taken the failure of Congress lead UPA in mis-handling of Kedarnath ji disaster as a lesson to meet the future national calamities. Society expected that the so-called Congress high command will not delay its involvement at such tragedies but still this team of mother and son has missed the bus on state flood disaster. The selected its leadership is manipulating atmosphere in Valley to let mother-son have an election mission visit as soother to flood victims. Two years back Rahul convinced Valley people his being a Kashmiri is exposed as he remained silent, at distant and having no touch with his close friend Omar at this troubled time.
The election seems delayed because of the flood disaster and on coming winter to experience a Governor rule under the new Governor expected at this stage may prove slow but sure a political change where the dynastic rulers and fake secular leaders are shown the exit. At the same time separatists may have to redesign their fate either to be with national mainstream or also to get permanent rejection from the society. Their real character and their sympathies with the Valley Muslims are exposed so now Valley Muslims have practically found their saviour, well-wishers in Indian Army and the central changed governing system.

ER Jitender kohli(Journalist)

Ex- State Press & Publicity Secretary

VHP J and K State Unit

Email:- [email protected]

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