The Bold Voice of J&K

Challenges of parenting in age of technology

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Vijay Garg

While the challenges are real, so too are the solutions – adaptation and patience remain the cornerstones of successful parenting in these digital times
Conversations these days are rife with the refrain of how challenging life has become and how surfing the turbulent seas is not as easy as it used to be previously. It amuses me that we endorse this view readily despite the conveniences the modern world has introduced to us.
The all-round improvement in quality of life has done nothing much in terms of bringing us the sense of gratification that material accumulation is perceived to bring. Instead, we have only become crazier and more complaining. Among the things that we whine about there is one that stands out – the difficulty of being a parent in these times.
It is not like how it used to be when we were kids, they assert and are at a loss to keep their children under control, be it about the use of gadgets or their demands for new-age comforts or following well-meaning advice. Children these days have a way of growing up that parents can’t seem to get a grip over, and parents are at their wit’s end. Has parenting become so tough now, tougher than what it used to be for our parents or theirs?
Before we delve into why it seems more difficult now than ever before, it is important to recognise that parenting has always been tough. Our grandparents may not have had to deal with social media addiction or the anxiety of being on constant alert, but they had their own set of worries-scarcity, lack of information, and fewer opportunities. Yet, they managed, just as we try to manage today. What, then, has changed so significantly that parents now feel a near-constant sense of overwhelm?
For one, the digital age has transformed not only how we live but also how we raise children.
Social media, YouTube, video games-all these distractions are not just forms of entertainment; they shape the way children think, act, and even perceive reality. Parents often feel powerless in the face of this digital onslaught, unsure how to manage screen time without seeming authoritarian or disconnected from their children’s world.
This struggle is exacerbated by the speed at which technology evolves. By the time parents get a handle on one app or platform, their children have already moved on to the next one.
Then, there’s the issue of peer pressure, not just on children but on parents too. The ‘Instagram-perfect’ life adds a layer of stress to parenting that previous generations didn’t face. Parents today are not just competing with themselves to be the best versions of their upbringing-they are competing with a curated version of perfection they see online. The pressure to enrol children in extracurricular activities, make sure they’re developing emotional intelligence, cultivate leadership skills, and create future ‘success stories’ can be crushing. Our grandparents’ idea of raising children to be ‘good’ has been replaced with a need to raise ‘achievers,’ and this shift in focus can leave parents feeling like they’re running a race with no finish line. Despite these challenges, parenting isn’t a lost cause. It is, and always will be, a journey of trial and error. The key is finding balance and knowing that perfection is neither attainable nor necessary. A good place to start is by building a stronger connection with your children. Parents also need to accept that they cannot fight all battles alone.
They must seek help. Many of the challenges we face today are new and unfamiliar, but that doesn’t mean they are insurmountable. Just as previous generations found solutions to their problems, so too can we, but it will require adaptation, learning, and, most importantly, patience. After all, our children are not just products of their environment-they are reflections of the love, support, and wisdom we give them, no matter how fast the world around them changes.
(The writer is Retired Principal and educational columnist)

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