The Bold Voice of J&K

Celebrating World Human Rights Day

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The world including India which is the mother of democracy and the largest democracy of the world is celebrating the world human rights day on 10th of December 2024.Declaration of human rights ,a milestone ,which proclaimed that every human being is entitled to certain inalienable rights is envisaged by UNO.UNO secretary general Antonio Guterrs has said,’ ‘The universal Declaration shows the way to common values and approaches that can help resolve tensions and create the security and stability our world craves.”10th December 2024 marked the 76th anniversary of one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges ,the Universal Declaration of Human rights (UDHR).This landmark document enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being irrespective of race, color, religion ,sex ,language ,political or other opinion ,national or social origin ,property ,birth or other status .The Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations general Assembly in Paris on 10th of December 1948 and sets out ,for the first time ,fundamental human rights to be universally accepted and. protected .Human Rights Day on December 10 ,commemorates the adoption of the universal declaration of Human Rights in 1948.Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 10 to remember the day in 1948 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified by the UN General Assembly .On this important day ,the world is reminded of the fundamental freedoms and rights to which every person is entitled ,regardless of nationality ,ethnicity ,religion or any other distinction .On this occasion ,all stakeholders in the national and international community are reminded and given an opportunity to reflect on their past and future actions and responsibilities and to strive for the promotion and protection of human rights .On this human rights Day ,let us reflect on the fundamental importance of human rights for every individual and use them as a daily guide to pursue justice ,equality ,peace and freedom for all .Like the other parts of the world as well as the UNO ,India is also celebrating the world human rights day with fanfare and enthusiasm .The Indian constitution guarantees its citizens the fundamental rights which are more or less similar to the human rights declarations of UN .In this connection various programs ,workshops ,symposiums ,debates and discussions are organized by the educational institutions as well by the different departments of the government of India and Jammu and Kashmir .The main aim is to aware the citizens of their freedoms and rights as guaranteed by the UNO and by the constitution of India .Every year there is a theme of the international human rights day and in 2024 the theme is ”Our Rights,Our Future,Right Now’ ‘In the decades since the ratification of the UDHR ,the human rights have become more widely recognized and protected around the world .The declaration has served as the corner stone for a system of human rights protection ,that is growing and reaching out to more vulnerable populations ,including migrants ,indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities .As already pointed at the outset ,the Universal Declarations of Human Rights was ratified by the UN General Assembly on this day in 1948,known as Human Rights Day .Human Rights Day was formally established in 1950 when the Assembly adopted resolution 423 (V) designating December 10 as an annual day of observance of human rights. The UDHR ,though not legally binding has inspired over 60 human rights instruments ,creating an international framework for the protection and promotion of human rights .This document ,comprising 30 articles ,served as a landmark commitment to safeguarding the inherent dignity and equal rights of all human beings. The aftermath of world war two underscored the need for a global commitment to human rights .The UNHR emerged as a beacon of hope and justice ,emphasizing that human rights are not privilege but a universal entitlement .The UDHR, with its compressive articulation of fundamental rights and freedoms ,serves as a compass guiding nations towards meeting the basic needs of their citizens ,whether they be of a socioeconomic or political nature .In India ,the National Human Rights Commission has organized a programme at Bharat Mandapam ,New Delhi ,on December 10,2023 ,at 10 am .The Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar war the chief guest and he delivered an important speech on this occasion highlighting the importance of human rights and their constitutional safeguards .Various dignitaries ,including NHRC Chairperson Justice Arun Mishra ,and representatives from diplomatic circles ,civil society members ,academia ,NGO’s and human right defenders and activists attended the function to mark the human rights day .This year is the 75th year of the adoption of human rights by UNGA and the 75 years journey of this landmark document has been overwhelmingly endorsed by all member countries of the united nations .Recently a conference of National Human Rights institutions of Asia Pacific was successfully hosted by NHRC ,India in New Delhi ,also reaffirmed its Delhi Declaration ,the enduring importance of UDHR .It has guided the drafting of the Paris Principles ,as a yardstick for setting up NHRI’s worldwide for promoting and safeguarding human rights by engaging with diverse stakeholders ,including governments ,in the formulation of human rights centered policies and legislations .The day for the national Human Rights Commission ,NHRC ,India serves as an opportunity and a reminder for all stakeholders in the national and international community to reflect on their past and future actions and responsibilities and to work towards the promotion and protection of human rights to ensure ‘Freedoms ,Equality and Justice for all ,which is also the theme of human rights day this year .In India NHRC has been working continuously to safeguard civil, political ,economic ,social and cultural rights of the people since its inception .The commission has also contributed in raising awareness among public officials and civil society on various human right issues and promoting a human rights -centered approach in policies and programmes through its various initiatives and activities .During the last one year from 1st December ,2022 to 30th November 2023,the commission registered 80,376 cases ,including 117 cases of suo motu cognizance .In India there is much awareness of the Human rights as the government ,NGO’s ,NHRC and human right activists and organizations are making efforts to aware the citizens about the importance of human rights .It is because of this awareness that there is very little human right violations and wherever there is some violations of the human rights ,the human rights watchdog comes to the rescue of the affected people and makes the violators to correct the situation so that human rights are protected and promoted .In India very year December 10 is celebrated every year with gaiety as the pious occasion to ensure ,promote and protect the human dignity and human freedoms and rights.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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