The Bold Voice of J&K
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So, the horsemen of apocalypse are near

Hiranmay Karlekar For some time, a number of reports by scientists has been showing how climate change has been affecting the whole world. A report in The New York Times of 29th September stated that, analysing the heat wave that hit…

Number test

The government formation in Maharashtra has been held up for the time being with BJP exercising restrain to choose the best option available in the wake of fractured mandate. If BJP does not come forward to stake claim to form the…

Staggered polls?

The prevailing security scenario along the Line of Control (LoC) in the wake of border tension may force Home Ministry to rethink its force deployment plans approved in August as Election Commission discusses likely polls in…

Change of scene in India-Pakistan theatre

Ashok Malik It is now fairly apparent that Indian forces have retaliated so heavily along the troubled frontier that Pakistani troops are on the retreat. In the past two days, pressure from across the border has lessened. Whether this is…

Amenities for stone pelters

Shiv Kumar Padha The recent floods in Kashmir converted the entire Valley to a sea overnight, the unexpected floods took in its spate hundreds of precious lives both of the human and the livestock, destroyedthe property of the natives…

Modi’s Diwali visit

Deviating from the tradition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to be with flood sufferer s of Kashmir this Diwali is a gesture aimed at sending a message to the people of the Valley that the whole nation stands by them in their hour…

Western imprint in IS

Harsh V Pant Expressing his deep concern about the people of Kobane, the US Secretary of State John Kerry has suggested that "horrific as it is to watch the violence, it is important to keep in mind the US strategic objective" - which, he…

Kashmir peril

After failing to internationalise Kashmir problem, now Pakistan is using rallies to highlight against India's stand on the issue. Termed as 'million march'  is scheduled for 26th October. Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhary, the former Prime…
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