The Bold Voice of J&K
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Modi and Indian exceptionalism

Anirban Ganguly  From Tokyo to Madrid and from St Petersburg to central Java, a renewed interest in civilisational India is unmistakable. It is only the intellectually purblind, the negatively motivated and the debunker of civilisational…

Another desecration

Two temples desecrated in two days in Jammu and the culprits in both the incidents are from two different religions. In the first incidence the miscreant is a Muslim and a psychiatry patient and in the other a drunken Sikh and both the…

Pulse prices

The common man's Dal and Roti looks to be the costliest food items now-a-days in the Indian household list. Ask the housewife she will tell you how her kitchen budget has been disturbed. The prices of common man's staple food pulses have…

Urban bias aplenty

Vikas Kumar The rural and agricultural sectors have not received much attention from our policy-makers irrespective of the party in power. While the urban bias of the government policy-making is often blamed for this persistent neglect,…

Arai – an altogether different world?

Nirmal Kamal It may be a miniscule population among total of 5,000 in a block, it may be negligible figure among total of 5 lakh and it may be no number in total population of 1.25 billion, in the country. It certainly is a figure which is…

Democracy, at home and abroad

Kushan Mitra  The election that is on everybody's mind, from editorial meetings to living rooms across the national capital and the rest of northern India, is the 2017 Uttar Pradesh election. From the strategies of Bharatiya Janata Party…

No jobs

Despite all the big talks by the Central leadership the grim reality today is that job creation has remained very low. And it looks government has no policy to even address the malady. This was evident in the recently concluded Budget…

Immunisation drive

The health ministry on Saturday launched the rotavirus vaccine as part of its universal immunisation programme to prevent diarrheal deaths due to the virus which claims lives of nearly one lakh children every year. Health Minister J P Nadda…

TRAI upholds freedom

Prakash Chawla The issue of Net Neutrality was not all that easy to comprehend for a common man just about a few months ago. Yet, it has been settled in India, at least for now, after one of the most fierce debates fought on all forms of…

Uttarakhand: Massacre of Constitution

Prof. Bhim Singh The norms and the principles laid down in the Constitution have been betrayed by the men who matter in the North & South Blocks, New Delhi. Uttarakhand episode shall be a living example how the mandate of the…
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