The Bold Voice of J&K

Can PDP, NC form an ‘alloy’ of autonomy, self-rule within Constitutional provisions?

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Untitled By Daya Sagar
J&K Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) well knows that its self-rule road map otherwise ‘claimed’ worth bringing peace and stability in J&K would not fit in the frame 1947 accession and Constitution of India . Now some PDP leaders have appeared like comparing its ‘self rule’ hypothesis with Greater Autonomy proposals of National Conference. Surely with such approach PDP has created some extra pressures on NC at least in Kashmir valley.
National Conference is pleading for ‘Greater Autonomy’ and had succeeded in June 2000 for getting a resolution passed by J&K Legislature approving the Autonomy Committee Report 1999 but National Conference has so far not gone for any mass movement or mass or awareness drive for that. NC has also not done work to carry the message of ‘greater autonomy’ to ground level masses (particularly in Jammu and Ladakh Regions). Although NC pleads that Greater Autonomy proposals are not for distancing J&K from Indian Nation state but is simply a framework for distribution of authority between the Government at Center and Government in state. But the fact is that so far it has been more understood as a demand for distancing J&K from India and not much have been done by NC to clear the controversies.
PDP Self Rule Framework 25th October 2008 among other things says “Chapter III Self-rule: Concept, Design and Operation Clause 58. What sets apart “self-rule” from “autonomy” is the political context in which they are conceived and operate. Self-rule refers to autonomy from the nation-state of India, whereas autonomy connotes relative autonomy from the Government of India. … Clause 59- . Autonomy refers to empowerment of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir vis-a-vis the Government of India …. Self-rule on the other hand refers to the empowerment of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, vis-a-vis the nation of India. Clause-60. Further, autonomy is for an institution of governance, self-rule is for a region, or geography. Therefore, while autonomy doesn’t have a territorial element to it, the concept of self-rule has an element of territoriality to it.”
Surely the definitions had not changed even after 6 years when Mr. Haseeb Ahmed Drabu was reported on 10 July 2014 for having said to a Srinagar based newspaper that ‘Autonomy is from the Government of India. Self-rule is from the Nation State of India’.
‘Kashmir’ today is disturbed not for implementation of Autonomy resolution 2000. The same has been the case with the Self Rule Framework of PDP. Kashmiris are not today agitating and protesting demanding implementation of PDP Self Rule Framework.
The separatist ideologies (from Indian point of view ) have in a way been strengthened (though mildly) by the styles in what PDP & NC have been (knowingly or unknowingly) raising questions on India while making references like Kashmiriat, erosion of autonomy, 1952 Delhi Agreement, 1975 Indira-Sheikh accord and 1987 Rajiv Farooq Accord, Self Rule. Kashmiris have also seen Farooq (Abdullah) and Farooq (Omar). How has it happened can be discussed some other time but this day J&K has landed in a conflict zone where it is more in Kashmir valley that a need has emerged for ideological reorientation or recasting the information bank built over six decades of mishandling.
Common Kashmiri masses have been too simple to understand the rhetoric game plans of their own leaders over the years and now in 2016 they appear having been pushed deep into anti India muck of anti 1947 accession, anti – India oneness and Bhartiyata vs Kashmiriyat ideological conflicts (no doubt the so called mainstream leadership too itself is caught in the muck).
So far, experiences have shown that the Kashmiri leaders will do their best to keep New Delhi under pressure for ‘grants’ and power. Separatists too need some social survival and the pro separatist actions of some ‘main stream” parties can surely allow them to at occasions defer violent protests/ approach.
The ‘kashmiri’ mainstream leadership so often say that for ‘resolution of issue (s)’ Government of India should take into confidence all stake holders (surely they include ‘separatists’ also in stake holders). Let us talk of ‘internal’ stake holders only. In case PDP is so loyal to the cause of the people of J&K ( ‘Kashmiris’ ) why does not it first work for an “alloy” of Greater Autonomy and Self Rule with in the provisions of Indian Constitution instead of still maintaining constitutional controversies in its ‘vision’ document ? And after that build a consensus on the ‘Autonomy Self rule alloy’ by deliberating with the ‘Kashmiri separatist leadership’ worth discussions with GOI representatives and stakeholders from other 2 regions.
But, in view of so hard an environment in Valley as is on ground this day, NC National Conference may not find it that ‘lucrative’ to go for such alloying in the immediate future since they too know that ideological controversies will not settle so soon and if at all they settle then it will not be that easy to carry the people actually ‘performing on ground’ along with unless the mission is taken in hand rising above political gamesmanship.
Otherwise Kashmiri leaders will keep on saying that India and Pakistan should settle the Kashmir (J&K) affairs with due participation of Kashmiris including separatists unless the Indian leadership decides to have a total review of the political and administrative approach they have been carrying towards J&K till date. In principle ‘they’ have been keeping their priority only on Kashmir Valley centric requirements. No doubt they do pose looking for some solution towards good governance taking into confidence the people of all the regions of J&K. In case ‘they’ are serious for any immediate solution to the agony of J&K they will surely consider such like approach.
No doubt those who see more material benefits in continuing confusions / uncertainty will come in the way.
So question here is, Can PDP and NC can “alloy” Greater Autonomy with Self Rule within provisions of Indian Constitution ? And if they do so will it receive endorsement from so called ‘Kashmiri separatists too”?
(Daya Sagar is a Sr Journalist and a social activist can be reached at [email protected])

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