The Bold Voice of J&K

BURNING KASHMIR: Time for nation to call bluff of Congress, Communists

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JAMMU: The just beginning visit of the All Party Delegation to trouble-torn Kashmir Valley is a unique opportunity for Indian nation to call the bluff of Congress, Communists, so-called Kashmir ‘mainstreamists’ and others, who have been itching for holding talks with Hurriyat Conference, other separatists and all the stake-holders, probably including terrorists. This has also been refrain of ‘highly celebrated and self-styled’ activists, who have emerged as Kashmir experts, just after having one or two summer holiday jaunts in Srinagar’s civil lines area and a few tourist spots with sumptuous ‘free’ Kashmiri cuisine.
Ever-since the latest outbreak of terror-violence ( let the stone pelting not be mistaken as a normal way of protest, as this is a time tested terror mode of Palestinian die-hards since decades) in the wake of Burhan Wani’s killing on 8th July, the non-BJP opposition has been insisting on talks with stake-holders to end the impasse. Some activists like Mani Shankar Aiyer and Prem Shankar Jha had even ventured out to the Valley turf last month to reach out to the ‘innocent protesters’ but were embarrassingly hooted in a Srinagar hospital. By now, they might have come to know what their ‘innocent protesters’ want? Nothing less than ‘Azadi’ and secession from India!
However, this cannot be said about Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad and CPI General Secretary Sitaram Yachury, who are supposed to be well versed with nitty-gritty of complex Kashmir problem. While Azad knows Kashmiri psyche very well, Yachury too must be getting ‘realistic feed-back’ from his Valley based comrades. Patriotic credentials of the duo are beyond any doubt as their respective parties stand party to the unanimous Parliament Resolution of 22nd February 1994, which inter-allia declares that – (a) The State of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means; (b) India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity; and demands that – (c) Pakistan must vacate the areas of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir, which they have occupied through aggression; and resolves that -(d) all attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of India will be met resolutely.”
This being the scenario and stated national policy on Kashmir let the BJP led NDA Government entrust the job of reaching out to separatists and die-hard Pakistan lackeys to Azad, Yachury and Company. The nation will know how hardcore hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani will turn up to interact with the All Party Delegation, especially after having set the conditions as latest as on 1st September, 2016. He says the “resistance leadership (Hurriyat and other secessionist outfits) would welcome any and every move provided India accepted the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir; start demilitarisation, setting a platform for the permanent and peaceful resolution of this age old conflict.” He and his entire ilk have made amply clear that in no way they will hold talks under the ambit of Constitution of India.
Will such a situation be acceptable to people of India? Azad, Yachury and Company will have to explain to Indians, who have been witness to the grim scenario of valiant soldiers laying their lives in the Kashmir theatre for seven decades, particularly during the past 27 years of proxy war in the Valley.
Let rulers that be in New Delhi not allow themselves to remain in any illusion on Kashmir. The so-called peace parleys or delegations won’t serve any purpose as long as Pakistan and her lackeys are not tackled sternly. There should be no ambiguity in believing that secessionists are playing game of Islamabad to destabilise India and to seek secession of the Valley from Indian domain.
They (together with a concessionist section of journalists and double agent intellectuals) have generated such an euphoria at this point of time in the Valley, courtesy stone-pelters ,that even reasonable segment of population has started believing that Azadi is just knocking at their doors. Kashmir is undergoing ‘now or never’ syndrome notwithstanding some elements with vested interest making New Delhi believe that all is well and under control in the burning Valley.
Therefore, by entrusting the job of roping in these hard-core secessionists on negotiation table to Azad, Yachury and Company, the Centre will not only explode their myth but also expose real face of Kashmir terror managers.

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