The Bold Voice of J&K

Blood donation saves lives

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Surjit Singh Flora

Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 every year to recognize and appreciate the wonderful contribution of blood donors across the world. This global event initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) aims to create awareness about the importance of voluntary blood donation and its life-saving impact on those in need. World Blood Donor Day serves as a platform to thank individuals who selflessly donate their blood, thereby playing a vital role in saving lives and improving healthcare systems. It aims to encourage more people to donate blood regularly and address the ongoing challenge of blood shortage in many countries. Every year, World Blood Donor Day adopts a special theme to focus on different aspects of blood donation. is These themes often highlight the importance of diverse blood donors, such as young people, women, or specific communities, in ensuring a stable and safe blood supply. Through various events, campaigns and educational programs, World Blood Donor Day aims to The aim is to create awareness, dispel myths and misconceptions about blood donation, and motivate individuals to participate in this noble act of giving. 2024 theme is ” 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors! The 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day presents a valuable occasion to express gratitude to blood donors worldwide for their life-saving contributions throughout the years and acknowledge the significant impact they have had on both patients and donors. Now is an opportune time to tackle ongoing obstacles and expedite advancements towards a future where safe blood transfusion is accessible to all.
World Blood Donor Day: A Historical Perspective
World Blood Donor Day: World Blood Donor Day was officially established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004. It was recognized as an annual global event during the 58th World Health Assembly in 2005, which aims to promote awareness of the importance of blood donation. The roots of blood donation can be traced back to ancient times, with important contributions from individuals such as Richard Lower, an English doctor.
Lower’s pioneering work on blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiopulmonary system, as documented in his book Tractatus de Corde, had a profound impact. He was the first to explore the scientific aspects of blood donation and successfully transfused blood between two dogs, with no significant side effects. Lower’s fundamental discoveries laid the foundation for our understanding of blood circulation and paved the way for advances in the field of blood donation.
World Blood Donor Day: Purpose
World Blood Donor Day: The objectives of World Blood Donor Day are to appreciate and honor blood donors, inspire new donors, encourage regular donation for better patient outcomes, ensure a reliable blood supply worldwide, voluntary non- Emphasizing the importance of for-profit donations, and advocating for investment and support. In national blood programs at all levels of government. These efforts aim to improve the quality of life for people who depend on blood transfusions, promote universal access to safe blood products, and build sustainable blood donation systems globally. Celebrating and thanking life savers: It highlights the importance of honoring and thanking blood donors and encourages more people to get involved in this noble cause.
Regular Blood Donation: Emphasizing the transformative impact of regular blood donation on the quality of life for blood donation-dependent patients and the need to create a safe blood supply globally. Voluntary Unremunerated Donation: Highlighting the important role of voluntary, unpaid blood and plasma donation in ensuring safe blood products for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
Promoting Blood Donation: World Blood Donor Day seeks to motivate more individuals to engage in voluntary blood donation. By emphasizing the indispensability of blood and its potential to save lives, the day is a reminder of the power of individuals to make a meaningful impact through the act of donating blood.
Awareness Raising: The day plays an important role in raising awareness about the global demand for safe blood and its importance within healthcare systems. This underscores the need for safe access to blood for emergencies, medical procedures, and individuals with life-threatening conditions such as anemia and bleeding disorders.
Honoring Blood Donors: World Blood Donor Day serves as an opportunity to express gratitude to the countless blood donors around the world who generously contribute their blood to save lives. It acknowledges their selfless and unpaid efforts, while also highlighting their vital role in healthcare and the profound impact they have on individuals, families and communities.
World Blood Donor Day: Finally
World Blood Donor Day: Finally, World Blood Donor Day is an important global event that highlights the importance of voluntary blood donation. It serves as a platform to encourage more individuals to become blood donors and to recognize the selfless contribution of existing donors. By promoting regular blood donation, World Blood Donor Day plays an important role in ensuring a sustainable and safe blood supply worldwide. This day is a reminder of the power that every individual has to make a positive difference through the act of donating blood. If you consistently donate blood, you will have the opportunity to feel good about assisting your fellow humans when they are in need of assistance. Due to the fact that it is divided into packed red blood cells, platelets, plasma, and occasionally white blood cells, a single unit of blood may be of assistance to several individuals. This is because each of these components can be sent to various individuals who need just that particular component. Additionally, the act of donating blood serves as a reminder that at some point in the future, we could be the one who needs it, and we can be thankful that we have “awarded the favor.” And if we never have a need for it, we may be content with whatever happens.
Donating blood is a simple but effective method of making a positive impact on the lives of other people and making a contribution to the overall health and happiness of society as a whole. Consider donating blood on a regular basis if you are qualified to do so in order to assist in the saving of lives and to provide assistance to those who are in need.
(The writer is a veteran journalist and freelance
writer based in Brampton).

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