The Bold Voice of J&K

Beauty hacks for the bride-to-be

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Beauty hacks for the bride-to-beIf you have just a week left for your wedding and have no time for elaborate rituals, here are some quick remedies to make you glow on your big day. Monsoon is that time of the year, where no matter how much you have been taking care of your skin, it will still get oily and make your face look dull. Beautician Nishi Manchandani says, “Most brides have a problem with oily skin during this season. No matter how many facial treatments you have been going in for, a last minute fix is always required. So to make your face look bright and non-sticky, the application of homemade ingredients will repair your skin in no amount of time.” Apart from this, it is also important to follow a strict diet regimen which will take care of your skin and hair during this time of the year. From fresh fruit juices to green leafy vegetables and lean protein, a bride must make sure that she is eating on healthy and wholesome food to get that inner glow on her wedding day.
Hack No 1: Tan removal
Though it’s cloudy most of the time, the sun still manages to damage your skin during this season. Before you step out of the house, make sure that you are using an SPF 30++ and keep re-applying the same throughout the day. You can use a mix of besan (gramflour) along with lemon and rose petals on your skin during the evening and then wipe it off with a cotton dipped in cold water. Thoroughly massage your face with dry hands and then apply a light-weight moisturising lotion.
Hack No 2: Keeping acne at bay
Too much sweat or exposure to moisture can cause pimples. You wouldn’t want to be clicked with those zits on your D-day. Make sure to apply a paste of aloe vera along with cucumber juice on your skin twice a day. This will keep the infection away and will also make your face glowing in just two days!
Hack No 3: Soak excess oil from your scalp
Have you ever noticed that in spite of washing your hair with shampoo in the morning, by the end of the day your hair becomes sticky? This is because throughout the day your scalp has been sweating and the oil makes your mane greasy. To prevent the same, use a dry shampoo at night right before you go off to bed. It will spritz your roots and will help absorb the oil.
Hack No 4: Treating sunburn
The skin is the worst affected during this season. Dr Geeta Oberoi, dermatologist says, “One of the most common beauty blunders is the burning of the skin due to heat which thereby causes red rashes.
To prevent the same, make ice cubes using aloe vera gel and apply it on your face, neck and other affected areas at night. Aloe vera helps in any skin irritation while the coolness from the ice will reduce the burning.”
Hack No 5: Use chilled chamomile ice bags to ease skin irritation
Skin irritation is common during this season. To keep your skin cool and fresh, take chamomile tea bags and refrigerate it. Before you go off to bed at night, take a bag and apply it on the areas that have developed any irritation.
Hack No 6: Dealing with pesky flyways
Apart from skin, the hair also suffers a lot during this season. To tame your frizz, spritz your toothbrush with some hairspray and comb your hair evenly with it. Do not comb too much, since it can lead to split ends. Make sure that you repeat this every night before retiring to bed.
Hack No 7: Get rid of pigmentation
If you have any scars on your face, start applying lemon juice on your skin on a daily basis. You can also mix a pinch of turmeric or cinnamon which will help ease of black marks. However, it is best that you see a dermatologist who can advise you on topical treatments that are available to help get rid of pigmentation in just a week.

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