The Bold Voice of J&K

Beat the heat please

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Jammu is reeling under scorching and intense heat wave .The temperature of Jammu is increasing intensely and this heat is unprecedented as the mercury has touched a record high of 42.5 degree Celsius in this warm season .The continuously rising mercury is making the life of Jammuties troublesome ,inconvenient and unbearable .The people are required to face the wrath of rising temperatures and come out live with this rising temperature phenomenon .The government should issue advisory for the people so for as the heat wave is concerned so that the people should not face more inconvenience due to heat wave .The people are required to heed the government advisory and act accordingly so that their life is made a bit easy in these days of rising temperatures .The government should show its responsiveness and announce the summer vacations in all schools of Jammu division so that the students will feel a bit relieved .But it seems that the education department is unconcerned with the lives of the small and young children .It is already late and the education department should flexible rules and announce summer holidays immediately to mitigate the problems of the students and should shun rigidity .The life ,health ,safety and ease of the students should matter to the government and as such it should announce summer vacations without any further delay to save the students from the exposure to scorching heat and in this lies the good of the tender students ,their parents and the government as well .People should remain mostly indoors in order to save themselves from the exposure to intensive heat .But the people are constrained to come out of their homes and visit markets for the purchase of the essential requirements .People have to attend to their duties and attend to various chorus and as such they are exposed to biting heat .People should follow the advisory .People are required to take enough of water ,juices ,cold drinks, ice cream and salty lemon water to keep enough water in their bodies so that they can bear the intensive and scorching heat in these days of extreme warm weather .The rising temperatures have made the life of people unbearable as they face much trouble and inconvenience due to the extreme temperatures .People should learn how to cope with the intense and unprecedented heat .People should cover their head with some cloth and it will be good if they cover their head preferably with cap and doing so will not expose the people to direct heat in these warmer days .It follows that people should follow all advisories regarding intensive heat wave .People are also required to take necessary precautions in these extreme hot days to beat the bad effects of burning heat .Public should also take lassis in these hot days for keeping their lives in safety and should learn to live in these hard warmers days .Leafy vegetables ,pickles ,curd and salad should be taken to face and minimize the horrors of biting heat .People should take necessary precautions to save themselves from sun strokes and sun burns and in this way they should protect themselves from the intense heat wave conditions. MET department has said that the heat wave will continue at least up to 31st May and it is hoped that the monsoon showers will break the scorching heat .All of us should learn how to face the extreme heat and live with it and beat the heat .The extreme heat and weather conditions are the consequences of global warming and the responsibility for these extreme conditions lies with the greed and cunningness of the people who have destroyed the environment ,trees, river bodies and vegetation. Therefore it is the greed of the common men who are contributing to the extreme heat and extreme cold .Felling of trees ,shrinking of the rivers ,ponds ,springs and other water bodies have greatly contributed to the extreme and intensive heat conditions. The unprecedented and scorching heat wave has made the life of the people a hell and they should learn how to cope with the extreme heat wave conditions .
People face untold sufferings due to intensive heat wave and it has made our life troublesome and difficult.
We should take necessary precautions to fight out the bad consequences of excessive heat conditions .People should learn how to face and cope with the rising mercury and there is no alternative to these extreme heat conditions .After a long winter cooped up ,the arrival of sunny days can make you eager to be outside .
Getting outdoors can be good for you in many ways .It can give us vitamin D .It provides some serious health risks also increase .Intense heat which we face these days, can put strain on both your body and brain .Too much heat can cause a heat -related illness called hyperthermia .
Mild hyperthermia can cause discomfort ,like muscle cramps or swelling in the ankles and feat .Extreme heat can harm your delicate eyes and can cause heat flue .Heat exhaustion is more serious .
It occurs when your body can no longer keep itself cool .You may start to feel dizzy or nauseated. Other symptoms include feeling thirsty ,weak ,or uncoordinated. The most extreme form of hyperthermia is heat stroke .Heat stroke is life – threatening, so seek medical help right away. Symptoms include fainting or having trouble walking .You may start feeling confused or agitated. One can also feel very hot but not sweat or have dry , flushed skin. Some people are at more risk for heat -related illness than others.
That includes infants and young children ,and those with certain health conditions ,such as heart ,lung, or kidney disease .Older adults are most heat sensitive .That is because the body’s ability to cool itself changes as we get older .Too much heat is not safe for anyone .
If you are outside in the heat ,drink lots of water. Don’t try to exercise or do a lot of activities outdoors when it is hot .If you start to feel sick in the heat ,rest in a cool place and drink plenty of fluids .
”Shade is your friend,’ Crandall says .”If you are going out to exercise or mow the lawn ,take breaks in the shade.’ ‘Heat is the most dangerous hazard in summer as these days. It is important to protect your skin and your eyes from sun and heat .
It is better if you do not exercise in the hot day and you can take exercise and morning walk in the early morning and as for as possible do not exercise in extreme heat of these days.
Take plenty of water and liquids and juices which can keep you cool.
In short one should learn to bear the heat and beat the heat is the answer to the scorching heat of these days when mercury has recorded all time high of 42.5 degree Celsius.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist).

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