The Bold Voice of J&K

Basis of clean chit to J&K Ministers questioned;Modi must direct his ministers, MLAs to make their annual assets public: Harsh

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JAMMU: Expressing dismay over the clean chit given by BJP General Secretary, Ram Madhav to the Ministers who were alleged to be transporting illegal cash in official vehicles, JKNPP Chairman Harsh Dev Singh questioned the basis for dismissal of the said reports as “baseless” without any enquiry having been held into the same. He regretted that rather than volunteering the institution of on enquiry into the widely circulated and much publicized reports, Ram Madhav downplayed the egregious episode by saying that he had enquired into the same and was satisfied that the allegations were false and baseless.
Which enquiry he was referring to and what was the basis of his satisfaction? questioned Harsh, asserting that it was the satisfaction of the general public that was more important than the satisfaction of BJP leaders.
Calling for a high level probe into the recent incidents of trading in dirty cash, Harsh said that the deceptive cloak of propriety which the J and K Ministers were wearing had been torn to tatters and which was clearly visible to the common masses except the top BJP leadership.
Ridiculing further the directive of the PM to the BJP Ministers, MPs and MLAs to submit their property statements from 8th November to 30th December to Amit Shah, Singh described it as mere dramatics to hoodwink people.
Why are the ministers and legislators not being asked to put their yearly property statements in public domain, asked Singh? And then how many BJP leaders have been taken to task by Amit Shah during the last two years for disproportionate assets, questioned Harsh? Describing the PM’s directive to BJP Ministers and MLA’s as eye wash and window dressing for the gullible, Singh said that it would also receive a clean chit and honesty certificate from Amit Shah as has been received by J and K Ministers from Ram Madhav.
Expressing concern over the regular reports of burgeoning corruption in the recent past in the functioning of government, Singh said that serious allegations of corruption had been levelled against several ministers and MLAs who however continued to enjoy immunity from enquiries.
Flaying the Government for promoting and patronising the corrupt, Singh called for waging a decisive war against corruption from the top. To begin with, the ministers, MPs and MLAs must make their annual assets public indicating the sources of additions to their swelling fortunes, he demanded.

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