The Bold Voice of J&K

Arrest hike of vegetable prices

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Dear Editor,
Present Modi Govt. is no-doubt the Govt of hope for each and every Indian and the steps that this Govt is taking are quite satisfactory to stand on the ambitions of those who had voted Modi Govt to power.Petrol and Diesel prices are going down gaining more and more hope of a common man from the same existing Govt but still the prime need of every poor and rich is far from the so called Modi-Effect.The continuous hike in the prices of vegetables, fruits, etc is a matter of prime concern as no-one can even imagine living without these commodities.Today, the poor are the worst prey of sky-rocketing prices of vegetables, fruits, foodgrains, pulses, etc. Every educated person is aware of the cause that has resulted in price hike of vegetables and other eatables.One of the most common reasons for increase in prices is hoarding by traders who try to create an atificial scarcity as they have done in case of rice and food-grains.The Govt should check such malpractices to safeguard the interests of the consumers.Inspite of this, some steps are also needed to be taken to establish a direct link between the famers(producers) and the buyers(consumers).The dire need of the hour is to minimise the mediators between farmers and customers. Hope present Govt would take respective measures to arrest the hike of vegetable prices that is continuesly going out of the budget of a common man of the country who had voted Modi Govt to power with a lot of expectations
and hope.
Abhishek Jandial
135-B Ext. Bhawaninagar

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