Zojila will be open for traffic by March 20

KARGIL: The strategically important road, NH1D will be reopening for vehicular traffic by 20th of March, after three months of closure, which will be the shortest period of road closure due to snowfall at Zojila Pass.
This information was divulged by acting Chief Executive Councilor (CEC) LAHDC Kargil Aga Syed Abass during his visit to Menamarg for the on-spot inspection of snow clearance work by Project Vijayak of BRO from Kargil side.
He was accompanied by Executive Councilor (EC) for Health LAHDC Kargil Mohsin Ali, SDM Drass Barkat Ali Nizami, Head of Office AIR Kargil Onkar Singh, DySP Headquarters Mohammad Aslam Mir, SHO Drass and other district officers.
Syed Abass was briefed by the Officer Commanding Vijayak Major Sumit Shinidae that his team is working hard for the reopening of the National Highway as soon as possible and they are trying to open it by 20th of March.
He also briefed that the team mostly comprised of local workers and experts without whom the work is not possible.
Aga Syed Abass appreciated the efforts of the team of Major Sumit Shindae and particularly the locals led by Nazir Ahmad Sheikh who are working hard without the fear of their life and have cleared around 20 Km of the road in three days. He added that the efforts of the local labourers should be acknowledged and appreciated for motivating them and encouraging others to fall in line. “The team of Vijayak is clearing the snow with the help of four Dozers and two Snow Cutters working regularly back to back besides one Dozer and Snow Cutter are at standby for backup, along with 30 local labours, 20 army and BRO Jawans, supported by one doctor, nursing assistance and ambulance”, Major Sumit added.
This year the work on the road is started earlier due to the fair weather and according to Brigadier A.K Das the fair weather and less snow during winter will help in opening the 434 Km long NH1D by the end of March.
People in Kargil are eager for the construction of Zojila Tunnel which has been announced and even allotted to a Company by the Central Government and are hoping that this long pending dream will come true during the tenure of present government.

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