Yoga for diabetes

Study after study at top Western universities confirm and reiterate what our ancient science has been preaching all along -that positive health effects of yoga are bountiful.
For one, yoga stimulates the organs which in turn improves metabolic activities. This means that the chemical transformations within a cell are carried out more efficiently.
This makes it a highly beneficial exercise for those suffering from diabetes -a complex condition which occurs due to lack of insulin production by the pancreas or lack of cell response to insulin, resulting in a multitude of metabolic imbalances involving the regulation and utilisation of insulin and glucose (sugar) in the body.
Four key yoga postures:-
Benefit: Helps stimulate the hormonal secretion of the pancreas.
2. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Benefit: Improves the functioning of pancreas and intestines. Thus helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Organs like liver, pancreas, and enzyme producing organs will function actively by practicing this asana.

3.Halasana (Plough Pose)

Benefit: It stimulates the pancreas, spleen and activates immune system by massaging all the internal organs including pancreas.
It improves kidney and liver functioning and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also rejuvenates the mind.

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Twist Pose)

Benefits: This asana massages the kidneys, pancreas, small intestines, gall bladder and liver, helping to stimulate digestion and squeeze out toxins. Useful for diabetics, with concentration on the pancreas.Increases the elasticity of the spine, tones the spinal nerves.

yoga benefits
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