Yog Ashram, a nerve centre of Yoga activities

 O P Sharma

All across the globe, the first World Yoga Day is being observed on 21st June, with great enthusiasm and fervour. This will be the first time that Yoga will be practiced in almost over 176 countries. India is celebrating the Day with renewed vigour in a spectacular manner. While the impressive Yoga exercises will be held at Janpath in New Delhi and all the other state capitals as also in the major cities and towns in India. Jammu and Kashmir State will not lag behind in projection and promotion of Yoga which ensures physical, mental and spiritual development. In fact, Yoga unites all the human beings and acts as integrating factor. It is noteworthy that Yoga is voluntary and not binding on any citizen at all. A belief is that because of its usefulness and utility it will be adopted by one and all for their own benefits.
It may be recalled that the UN General Assembly (UNGA) has declared on 14th December, 2014, that 21st June will be International Yoga Day every year, recognising ancient Indian civilisations Yoga for its ‘holistic approach to health and well-being for the population of universe.’
UN Resolution
For the first time it was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who proposed holding an International Yoga Day in his UN General Assembly speech on 27th September, 2014 and the resolution for the Yoga Day was solidly supported by 175 of the 193 nations including the United States, Syria, Russia, Britain, China, Philippines as also some Islamic countries as well. The UNGA resolution said the goal of the Yoga Day is the “wider dissemination of information about the benefits of practicing Yoga would be beneficial for the health of the world population. It amply proved that Yoga is really a testimony to the enthusiastic cross-cultural and universal appeal. It is a holistic way of life that stresses “harmony between man and nature” and simpler lifestyles and can help fight climate change.
Yoga: United Factor
Yoga has the power to bring the entire humankind together! It beautifully combines Gyan (knowledge), Karm (work) and Bhakti (devotion).”
It is noteworthy that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rightly raised this vital point at the world forum and got Yoga its due status among the comity of nations.
Yoga means union. It can only unite people. It is a both a philosophy and a science. It is for people of any faith, or even no faith. Misconceptions about Yoga are now fading away, steadily but surely.
Upward Graph
Jammu and Kashmir also like other parts of India is making steady progress in the field of Yoga. Jammu is emerging as a nerve centre for Yoga activities. Some organisations are carrying on their activities. This northern most State had rich tradition of Yoga and there were great Gurus who preached and practiced Yoga so that the new generations adopt it. Just to name a few Swami Nityaanand, Hari Bhagat, Dharendra Brahchari, Swami Laxman Joo, Bhagwan Gopinath in the recent past who promoted Yoga way of life.
The Bhartiya Yog Sansthan J and K is operating for the last more than five decades. This premier organisation is operating from its prestigious building at Talab Tillo, Jammu under the dynamic and inspiring leadership of Satyapaul Sharma, Mahavir Prasad and a band of motivated persons. This modern and spacious Yog Ashram is carrying on its activities under the experts. President of this institution, Satyapaul Sharma, in an interview, spoke about the basic objectives and benefits of Yoga activities conducted by this premier institution. He said that Yoga is getting popularity among men, women and particularly the youth. This Sansthan has spread its wings all across the Jammu and Kashmir State through its network of 110 Yog Kendras and also engaged in having special classes for Armed Forces and educational institutions. An ambitious future plan has been grown up.
Intensive Campaigns
Patanjali Yog Peeth, an organisation of Swami Baba Ramdev, too is effectively spreading the message of Yoga through its network in all parts of Jammu and Kashmir. While holding Yog Aasans, training is also imparted and Indian System of Medicines promoted. It is also playing a pivotal role.
Even the University of Jammu has a separate wing for various courses in Yoga by competent and qualified experts. This is popular centre. Some other Yoga organisations are also lending their helping hand in promoting Yoga practices among the peoples by holding early morning Yoga sessions in different places.
Sanjay Asen, a reputed Yoga teacher, opined: “Yoga is a way of life and an integrative systems of education for the body, mind and the inner spirit. This art of right living was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago but since Yoga deals with universal truths, its techings are as valid as were in ancient times. Yoga is a practical aid , not a religious and its techniques may be practiced by Budhists, Jews, Chiristians, Muslims, Hindus and even atheists alike. So Yoga is union with all.”
The entire Jammu region is forging ahead while awareness of Yoga’s usefulness is spreading fast in all the parts of Jammu and Kashmir States. Swami Vivekanand Ashrams are also actively engaged in promoting Yoga practices.
On the International Yoga Day, 21st June, an impressive function will be held at Yog Ashram, Jammu which may be attended among others by Deputy CM, Dr. Nirmal Singh and Minister of State for Industry Chander Prakash Ganga.
One Goal : Many Ways
Many other Yoga camps will be organised on this particular day throughout Jammu and Kashmir.
Major benefits of daily Yoga are that almost all the minor ailments or even major diseases can be cured through its proper practice. Yoga can be useful in weight loss, build up strong and flexible body, glowing skin, peaceful mind, good health and overall inner strength – whatever one may be looking for, Yoga has it on offer.
It is fervently expected that with the adoption of Yoga all sections of people will lead to a better individual health and harmony in the humanity. All the nations can look forward to better quality of life with healthy-happy minds and also spiritual enlightenment. All the Indians must take pride in the precious legacy of Yoga given by our great Rishis and seers of the ancient times.
(The author is editor Starline Syndicate Service)

editorial articleO P SharmaYog Ashram
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