World famous wetlands welcoming lakhs of migratory birds


SRINAGAR: With the arrival of winter, lakhs of migratory birds from Russia, China, Siberia and Eastern Europe have arrived in the Kashmir Valley.
More than 22 migratory bird species, including Gadwall, Eurasian, Wigeon, Mallard, Tufted-Duck, Ferruginous Cuck, Common Shelduck, Green-winged Teal, Garganey, Common Merganser, Greater White-fronted Goose, Bar-headed Goose, Greylag Goose, Smew , Great Crested Grebe, Eared Grebe and Great Cormorant flock to the Kashmir wetlands. The sight of these birds flying in perfect formation, flanked by high mountains is breathtaking .
According to Wild life Warden around four lakh migratory birds from different countries have visited Kashmir’s wetlands so far since October. The migratory birds are keeping their centuries old relationship with Kashmir visit every year and enjoy the temperate climate. Moreover there are many new birds that have arrived in the wetlands here, official said. Wild life Warden said, many new birds including bar-headed goose that breeds in Central Asia visit Kashmir and were rarely seen in the Valley wetlands before . From October, these birds migrate from Central Asia, China, Philippines, Eastern Europe and Japan to the Valley and stay here for about five months. The Warden said that the department is taking several interventions to make all the wetlands habitable and these initiatives have resulted in massive influx of birds. These wetlands not only serve as natural habitat for several plants and animal species but are kidney of nature that purify nature and absorb the water. Kashmir’s wetlands serve as a magnet for “foreign birds” drawn by rich ecological diversity of plant and animal life as well as lush aquatic vegetation. According to officials, every year 5 to 12 lakh migratory birds are seen in Hokersar, Hygam, Prichal, Shallabugh, Wullar and Dal lakes and protected wetlands where they feed and breed.
Hygam, Hokersar and Wular lake have been designated as wetlands of international importance under Ramsar Convention and are protected areas. Eared Grebe birds were spotted in Wular Lake for the first time in March 2023. On January22, 2023, the rare duck species, called Long Tailed Duck, were spotted at the iconic Wular Lake after 84 years. The species, last time spotted in Hokersar wetland, was in 1939 by F Ludlow.
It is important to mention that during last winter, over 10 lakh migratory birds had arrived in the Valley. According to the Asian Water Bird census conducted every year ,a total of 11,18,737 birds visited Kashmir in 2021.

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