Workshop on PM’s Special Scholarship Scheme held



JAMMU: A sensitization workshop on Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme for J and K was held in Government College for Women (GCW), Gandhi Nagar, here on Tuesday.

Dignitaries on the occasion were Sarita Chauhan, Commissioner Secretary Higher Education Department, Dr. A.S Pant, Chairman, AICTE, Dr. R.S Rathore Director J and K Cell AICTE and Dr. N.H Siddhalingaswamy, Director e-governance AICTE.

The programme began with the lighting of lamp followed by welcome address by Principal of the College, Dr. Kiran Bakshi. The Commissioner Secretary apprised the audience of the Govt.’s initiatives to popularise this scheme for giving maximum benefit and exposure to the students hailing from every nook and corner of J andK.

Dr. Pant made a presentation to point out the mission, vision, objective, eligibility, reservation, distribution of scholarship, scope, selection procedure, duration of scholarship its renewal, implementation and monitoring .

The workshop was attended by all the principals of various Degree Colleges of Jammu province along with team of faculty members /Assistants where the facilitation centres are to be established to help the aspiring students and principals of Higher Secondary Schools of Jammu province to disseminate the salient features of the scheme to the students in respective school.

Various modalities of this scheme were discussed and stakeholders also interacted and clarified their doubts. Students were made aware of the Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme regarding Engineering, Medical Education General Education.

They were also made aware of the web site portal on which details on all aspects of the scheme is given including list of all colleges/courses to which students can apply and requested them to apply online.

The proceedings of the workshop were conducted by Dr. Manisha Kohli.

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