Where is one-nation and one-tax regime in J&K: Congress

JAMMU: Where is one nation and one tax regime in the J and K State, when the people of State have to pay additional to the tune of over Rs 900 crore annually in the shape of additional toll tax.
This was asked by JKPCC Chief Spokesperson, Ravinder Sharma in a statement issued here on Thursday.
Sharma questioned BJP for its claims of implementing uniform tax regime and big hoardings for publicity claiming implementing one nation one tax regime in the State and blamed the party of misleading the people.
Sharma said that State continued additional toll tax of Rs 80 per quintal on most of the items and even more on several items, at Lakhanpur and claims that it would collect over Rs 900 crores annually from it. “This tax is to be ultimately paid by the consumers of the State. Why this additional burden on consumers of the State, when the GoI is committed to reimburse the losses if any, on this count of implementing GST, besides the government claims that State would benefit around Rs 10,000 crores more from GST. Then what is the logic behind additional toll tax and burden on common man,” he questioned.

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