Weekly Horoscopes – This Week’s Horoscopes for All Signs

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weekly predictions 04TH- 10TH DECEMBER  2016



Mar 21 – Apr 20

With the holiday season in full swing, you may feel too restless to focus on important things. Travel and opportunities to sample other diversions might be more appealing. And with the likelihood of enjoying a more active social life, your everyday tasks and chores could seem a tad tedious. However, you might be stirred to action by a conversation.



Sep 24 – Oct 22

Upgrading your skills may be one way to attract new opportunities into your life. Tuesday’s New Moon could be the best time to enhance your options by seeing what’s out there. Want to learn creative writing, interior design, or online marketing? Any of this is possible if you’re willing to embrace the work that comes with the decision.


taurusApr 21 – May 20

Although this is the season of generosity and goodwill, don’t feel you have to lend money to friends or do them any big favors. While it’s great to help out, there is such a thing as overdoing it, especially if you end up feeling resentful. Invest your time and money carefully this week and avoid giving it away to causes or people who might not appreciate it. 


scorpionOct 23 – Nov 22

If your plan costs money to implement, then starting around Tuesday’s New Moon could help matters flow in the right direction. Think about investing wisely and try to avoid splurging and you’ll be likelier to get a good return. However, don’t be tempted to give generously to a lost cause. While it’s nice to help, there are some people who will take advantage. 


geminiMay 21 – Jun 20

Cautious confidence can encourage you to step closer to cementing a certain bond. However, the present setup suggests that you aren’t likely to be overly demonstrative if things don’t work out as planned. In any case, you may be better off enjoying lighthearted liaisons rather than anything too heavy. 


saggitariusNov 23 – Dec 22

Tuesday’s New Moon in your sign is the best of the year for you. It brings an opportunity to fulfill your dreams and desires. If you make a list of these and review it regularly, you may find they materialize a lot sooner. On another note, Mercury’s move into your money zone could see you selling items and perhaps earning some extra money on the side.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

If you’ve discussed a key project for a while, the New Moon is the time to take the first cautious steps to getting things off the ground. It might be a tentative beginning, but it could blossom into something to be proud of. Mercury’s move into your partnership zone may help you discuss a situation diplomatically and find ways to agree.


Dec 23 – Jul 20

If you’ve ever wanted to learn to mediate or take up some other spiritual discipline, Tuesday’s New Moon may be one of the better times to go ahead. However, it can be equally helpful for beginning the process of visualizing your desires on a daily basis, as the practice helps the law of attraction work more efficiently. 


Jul 24 – Aug 23

The Sagittarius New Moon could coincide with a chance to invest more time in a romance or creative plan. Either way, you’ll feel optimistic about the outcome. The stirring energies of Mars aligning with the expansive energies of Jupiter could see you pushing ahead and being quite ambitious with your plans. 


Jan 21 – Feb 23

If you make a new friend this week, you may stay buddies for a long time into the future. This is because the New Moon can set the right emotional tone that proves supportive to both of you. However, Mercury’s move into Capricorn can be a call to listen to your feelings, as they may be trying to tell you something.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Do you want to put real estate on the market or relocate to a new place? Tuesday’s New Moon could coincide with an urge to take action after a long period of deliberation. It’s likely you’ve already put a lot of thought into such ideas, so any move you make now will be more of a calculated risk than leap in the dark. 


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Should you make a start on a goal or career plan? If you’re thinking about it, Tuesday’s New Moon may be the best of the year for you in this regard. You might find yourself in the right place at the right time to take a golden opportunity further. Your social life looks livelier, too, as Mercury encourages more mixing and holiday carousing.
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