No water

At a time when the Jammu and Kashmir Government is talking of inclusive development for all by extending essential services, the reality is that certain villages in the State are yet to get potable water. Power supply remains evasive. Both essential services have remained a far off dream for many of the villages which are away from the cities and development has not even touched outer periphery of the villages or may not have crossed the nearest highway point. Villagers speak common language on development. As far as infrastructure is concerned, the interior roads speak of government apathy with potholes pockmarked. Some of the areas of Udhampur town  like Indira Nagar, Jakhani, Ward No 1, Subhash Nagar and Central Town are even today without potable water. It is common to see women carrying water on the highway. The residents of these areas have been approaching each and every one  at the helm to get the water to the village but for the Public Health Engineering  Department these villages do not exist as far as providing potable water is concerned notwithstanding  the fact the area has number of natural  water  sources with abundant  ground water. There is no dearth of funds if officials are to be believed. But mismanagement and corruption besides bungling have so seeped into the system that most of the resources get drained out faster than the elusive water supply to the people. This is the story with most of the villages. People have been protesting to attract government’s attention for long and from time to time assurances have been given by visiting ministers and political leaders but till date nothing has been done. Worst is the power supply scenario to these areas.  Most of the infrastructure in these two departments is old and are being utilised below their potential thus leaving the people to suffer.

editorial article1No water
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