War talks?

Pakistan briefing Head of Missions of China, France, Russian, UK and USA or as called P5 countries on the alleged Indian aggression on the Line of Control (LoC) and Working Boundary (International Boundary), saying the use of “heavy weaponry” by the Indian Army threatens peace and stability and may lead to a “strategic miscalculation” but has been silent on the export of terror to India from its soil. The one sided version to prove ‘I am holier than thou’ a stand Pakistan has been taking since the day it has learned about the low cost war perpetrated against India. It was Pakistan-supported and trained militants and at time the regular army in the fatigue of militants attacked Indian security agencies. The Pak-supported militant attack on an army base in Uri sector of Kashmir is the latest such ‘pious’ actions from its side. Then was targeting of Indian villages on the border and creating civilian casualties which ultimately has forced India to retaliate. This action and counter action has been going on since over three decades. Pakistan always had intensified its activities during the winter months to facilitate pushing in of militant to Kashmir before the weather intensifies. The admittance of Pakistan Foreign Office about the death of 26 civilians and injuring 107 others is the first admittance on its side. Otherwise it had remained on denial mode ever since. It has also admitted that India for the first time has used heavy weaponry after a gap of 13 years. This is because India always exercised restrain and control and behaved like a responsible nation in its action in reply to Pakistan’s misadventures. Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry’s assertions that Indian actions, which constituted a threat for the maintenance of peace and security, may lead to a “strategic miscalculation”. He said India was also not cooperating with the United Nations Military Observers Group (UNMOGIP). The Heads of Missions assured that they would convey Pakistan’s concern to their respective capitals. After so much of diplomatic exercise now Pakistan talking about ‘strategic miscalculations’ and indirect reference to escalate the situation on the borders which can lead to war between the two countries is a move to save its face within the country, the militant organizations and the army. What a ploy?

editorial article 1War talks?
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