Voting keeps us civically engaged with government

Mahadeep Singh Jamwal

Elections are basically meant where voters get choice and chance to analyze the performance of existing representatives of the public and the only excellent way and occasion, once in five years, to rate if voters want to create change. Voting in elections helps citizens ensure that the country is granted better rights and protection. Voting is an important civic duty that can significantly impact the future of our country. Voting helps keep politicians accountable for their actions and creates the framework for our democracy.
As in India, we are again going to witness and celebrate most participated festival i.e. Lok Sabha Elections, with the first phase beginning from April 19th 2024, we have a responsibility to conclude this festival by giving results that will decide our future in the next five years.
Peace cannot exist without justice, justice cannot exist without fairness, fairness cannot exist without development, development cannot exist without democracy, and democracy cannot exist without realizing the power of vote.
Everybody counts in applying democracy. And there will never be a true democracy until every responsible and law-abiding adult in it, without regard to race, sex, color or creed has his or her own inalienable and unpurchasable voice in government.
The expression “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” is only accurate when every citizen takes part in the electoral process.
In a true democracy, every citizen participates in making decisions that affect both the welfare of the nation and their own. The right to vote provides the people of the nation with the ability to exercise their right to vote and to decide collectively, with the support of the majority, who they believe is capable of making Laws that suit one and all. One of the strongest foundations of participatory democracy is the obligation of each member to cast an informed ballot.
Therefore, there needs to be a fundamental change in how voters think in order for them to understand the significance of both the voting process and the significance of each vote in deciding the future of the country. The voter awareness initiatives created in response to the need to inform, create awareness and encourage people to participate in elections and vote is required to be carried forward not only by creating physical programs but to sync such initiatives along with the digital platforms.
The electoral process is not taken seriously by many voters, and they do not comprehend the gravity of their right to vote. We should aim to inspire young people through Electoral Literacy initiatives to participate in the electoral process and become active citizens for change.
They need to motivate, apprize and inspire on three basic parameters, when we talk of their participation in voting, to register to vote and ensure that their name shows on the list, to educate themselves and make an informed decision and to support a visionary candidate who offers more ideas than promises.
Voting is one way to be more civically engaged with your government. It is vital to make a difference in the world by having your voice heard and representing the views of people who don’t have a voice. If you want to create change, voting is an excellent way.
Voting in elections helps citizens ensure that the country is granted better rights and protection. Voting is one way to be more civically engaged with your government. It is vital to make a difference in the world by having your voice heard and representing the views of people who don’t have a voice. Voting awareness is the only platform that provides information about voting and how to be a responsible voter. A lot of people want to vote, but many are not aware of its need and how to cast it. This is where voting awareness comes into play. The idea of voting awareness is to help people understand the importance of voting. It is a method for citizens to express what they want from their leaders.
This will lead to better governance and what everyone wants, a democracy that is free, fair and representative. “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” Abraham Lincoln.

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