Vivekananda College conducts cleanliness drive

KATHUA: Cleanliness was conducted on Friday in the campus of Vivekananda College of Education under the guidance of NSS Co-ordinator Alka Kumari. The whole campaign was supervised by Principal of the college Dr. Anju Sharma.
The programme started at 9:30 AM. Students were divided into different groups and each group was allotted an area to be cleaned under the supervision of a teacher incharge. All the volunteers participated wholeheartedly and put their best efforts to complete the mission.
The main aim of this programme was to make students aware about the importance and need of cleanliness of surroundings in which a person develops, grows and survives. All staff members were also present on the occasion and fully co-operated the NSS Co-ordinator in the fulfillment of campaign.
Boosting the morale of the volunteers Dr. Anju Sharma said that organising such type of programmes develop social skills among the students and enable them to make social progress.
The main motto of N.S.S. volunteers is to make general masses aware about the importance of cleanliness of their surroundings for leading a happy, healthy and prosperous life.

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