Vishwa Bharati HSS conducts investiture ceremony



JAMMU: Vishwa Bharati Higher Secondary School conducted investiture ceremony in a special assembly on Tuesday. The students from various houses Viz. Vishwa, Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram made the event specific.

Principal of the School, Prof. Annapurna Kaul was the Chief Guest. The formal ceremony with regard to the election of head boy and head girl as also the four house master in an orderly manner.

Kushvinder Singh from 10th B was elected as the Head Boy and Nitya Bhat from 10th A as Head Girl. It was followed by the selection of House Captains, Vice Captains and also the house Prefects.

Student’s council of the school was honoured with badges by the Principal who asserted that the  special emphasis is to be laid on the discipline and proper compliance to the rules and regulations of the school.

The oath ceremony conducted by Veer ji Mattoo, the senior Teacher from the Department of Geography.

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