Unite for Jammu

Dear Editor,
BJP which had a history of raising voice for Jammuities in seems to have decided to deceive nationalist and peace loving Dogras. Its surrender to Kashmir-centric PDP on various issues like discrimination with Jammu, AIIMS, artificial lake project speaks volumes about its treacherous behavior. The new government released a separatist leader known for anti India propaganda in valley and who was responsible for 110 deaths during 2010 agitation in Kashmir and misguided youth for stone pelting. Pakistani flags are being held high during separatist rallies in valley. BJP has failed to oblige by its promise to deal with firm and nationalistic approach. On all Its promises about justice with Jammu, rehabilitation of Kashmiri pandits and west Pakistani refugees it has taken a U-turn. The party used to talk about deletion of Article 370 but now some of its leaders have called it a permanent feature of Indian constitution. It seems that on important issues close to the hearts of Jammu people, the BJP has done and is doing just the opposite of what it has promised and for what people voted it to power in elections. Keeping all this in view the May 27 Jammu bandh should put a tight slap on those leaders of BJP and should unite the people of Jammu for their struggle of justice.
Vijay Kumar and Subash Kumar

Unite for JammuVijay Kumar and Subash Kumar
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