Unique case of compensation for loss of hen

DODA: While deciding a case of compensation in a very minor issue , the entire district administration of District Doda found itself in a very awkward position and felt perplexed in the instant case . According to sources , a poor man – Abdul Rashid resident of village Pattan Garh in Bagwah Tehsil of Doda District had approached the Deputy Commissioner Doda in writing on 22nd April , requesting him for giving him a suitable compensation against the killing of his hen by a wild leopard in the area.
He drew attention of the DC Doda towards the fact that his entire family comprising of five members was totally dependent on the income generated from this Desi hen that was laying an egg daily the cost of which in their local market is Rs 8. By the death of his hen, he has lost everything and his family is facing difficulties in passing the days without money. Pertinent to mention here that on receiving the application of Abdul Rashid, the district administration came into action and as per the practice, Rashid’s request letter was directed to Patwari for comments/assessment. While processing the application of Abdul Rashid, officers at the helm of affairs in the line of authority were perplexed while deciding the compensation.
Having examined the case Tehsildar, Bagwah apprised the DC Doda that the cost of the killed Desi hen works out to Rs. 1,200 as she was laying one egg daily and had it not been killed she would have laid eggs for another three years. Based on this calculation, Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner Vaibhav Kohli briefed that the complainant Abdul Rashid would be compensated appropriately within three days.

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