Unhygienic food items creating havoc

Shyam Sudan

Food is the basic necessity of every individual on this planet. We get energy and necessary micro and macro nutrients from our food .But now a days this basic necessity is suffering from various types of Adulteration in its content. We are continuously using lot of pesticides, insecticide and other kind of Weedicide chemicals in our food chain ,by our ignorance or due to our compulsion. Because now a days it is very mandatory to use such type of chemicals in our vegetation and other eatables items to get rid from various kinds of pests. No doubt such pesticides are very important for our vegetation, for their maximum yield and protection. But there is a saying that excess of everything is bad .our overdependence habit of using such chemicals are creating havoc for us. Because we know at the end these harmful chemicals are directly or indirectly enters in our food chain. Now a days we are frequently using pesticides for eradication of various kinds of abnoxious weeds and unwanted grass. Even in our staple crops like maize and wheat we are continuously using such pesticides every year to get the proper yield .Even in our vegetable and fruits there are lot of chemicals and preservatives. Our markets are full with every kind of fruits and vegetables all the year .Even we get out of season fruits and vegetables from our markets all the year. However we generally wash these eatables items before their consumption. But few percentage of these chemicals generally embedded in these eatables items. At the end all such harmful chemicals gradually enter in our food chain. As a result we have found that mostly people are suffering from lot of allergic reactions and other health ailments. Contrary to this we use various kinds of antibiotics to get rid from these reactions and other health ailments. And those allopathic medicines are creating more trouble to us .How can we get rid from this havoc ,is the burning issue for all of us. We think the most plausible solution for this menace is the use of organic products and eatables. With the use of organic farming we can get rid from the ill impact of these chemicals. However, in organic farming we can’t get the desirable and sufficient quantity of crop yields. But ,it can give us lot of health benefits. There are only two option available for us, if we use such chemicals we will get more production and if we use organic farming we will get less production but a pure and clean one .choice is ours ,but we can’t compromise with our health in want of unhygienic and adulterated food items. These harmful chemicals gradually enter in ground water and our soil and effects the basic texture and quality of these natural resources. However these harmful chemicals are not only effecting the life of humans on this earth but it has various kinds of antagonistic effects on other lower creatures. Many beneficial microorganism gets effected from these chemicals. Our whole ecosystem including the habitat of various other lower creatures gets effected by the excessive use of such harmful products. There is an urgent need to change this design from our food chain. Otherwise in coming days we will get more trouble due to these chemicals. By and large we can say that life of homosapiens is gradually converting into chemicosapiens due to excessive use of such chemicals in our food products. There is an urgent need for mass awareness in this direction. Our agricultural experts can better understand the severity of this problem, they can help our farmers in this direction in a more comfortable way. However they have already working in this direction but there is need of more attention at present time. At one side we are promoting various measures and schemes for our health at the other side we are giving priority to this slow poisoning of unhygienic food.

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