
Dear Editor,
One of issues of Ladakh which doesn’t find noticeable mention in manifestos or agendas of political parties in Ladakh is the issue of unemployment.  Jammu and Kashmir has the highest unemployment rate of 4.9 per cent in the country. National Conference acknowledges this problem and already termed this as alarming. Ladakh cannot be an exception. Depending solely on government for this problem would be unwise. Although State Government is notorious of creating jobs even if it faces cash crunch. 43 per cent of state budget goes towards salaries and pensions. This is not sustainable. So it is time to look outsides government for jobs. Every incentive for industries should be provided. Look east towards Xinjiang known for its swift economic development. Xinjiang has registered rapid growth of its industry, agriculture, and service sectors. With thrust on agriculture it has built a number of large modern water conservancy projects. Given the size of Ladakh with adequate canals agriculture and industrialisation can tackle unemployment.
Rinchen Tundup

Rinchen TundupUnemployment
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