Two years jail for theft in Udhampur

UDHAMPUR: The Judicial Magistrate First Class, Ramnagar, Renu Dogra, awarded two years imprisonment to one Sanju son of Bhagtu resident of Chakkal Tehsil Ramnagar in a theft case.
One Maya Devi resident of Chakkal Tehsil Ramnagar District Udhampur under the jurisdiction of Police Station Basantgarh had filed a written complaint stating that the accused Sanju son of Bhagtu stole cash of Rs. 17,500 from her house when she had gone for grazing cattle.
On the basis of the complaint registered wide FIR No.08/2011 under section 454/380-RPC with Police Station Basantgarh investigation began and challan produced against the accused. On Wednesday the judicial proceeding of the case concluded and JMIC Ramnagar awarded two years of imprisonment to the accused.

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