Two-and-a-half year old Singapore boy enters Mensa

Singapore: A two-and-a-half year old boy in Singapore with an incredible IQ of 142 has joined the genius club Mensa.

Elijah Catalig is one of the youngest member of the Singapore chapter of Mensa – the society for people with IQs in the top two per cent of the population.

Elijah, aged just two years and six months, solves patterns, reads storybooks and plays IQ games meant for kids five years his senior.

His parents took him for a psychological test last month and discovered he has an IQ score of 142, which places him at the 99.7 percentile, reported.

Only seven children around his age have joined the local chapter of Mensa in the past four years.

The youngest on its record is a boy aged two years and two months when Mensa accepted him last November. An average child has an IQ of 100.

Elijah took the Stanford Binet test which measures analytical and reasoning abilities. The IQ test, with a score of up to 160, is used widely around the world.

He was tested on logic, mathematics, picture puzzles and number sequences. He scored the highest – 149 – in quantitative reasoning, the ability to use numerical skills to solve problems.


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