‘Traditional costume mandatory for officials in Kargil on Mondays, Saturdays’

LEH: Few months after the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) Leh advised government officials in Leh to make traditional Ladakhi costume dress code for every Monday, officers in Kargil District took one step further by making it mandatory to wear local dress (Ladakhi Goncha) twice a week from beginning of 2017 as a new year gift to revive and preserve Ladakh’s Distinct cultural identity.
A circular in this regard was issued by Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC Kargil on 2nd of January under No: Estt-1/circular/2014. “Considering the importance of our tradition and culture, it is hereby informed to all the district officers and their subordinates that two days a week i.e Monday and Saturday has been fixed compulsory for wearing the traditional dress in their respective offices.
For the non local officers/officials it is not mandatory, but if they are willing to wear the local dress, then it would be highly appreciated,” the circular reads. It further informs that it is mandatory to wear local dress on National Days i.e Republic Day (26th January) and Independence Day (15th August).
The DC has directed that officers must attend public functions/meetings at all level wearing the traditional dress. “It is therefore, once again enjoined upon all the District Officer to strictly implement the order in letter and spirit and the same message shall also be passed to their subordinate staffs,” it emphasises.
Meanwhile, Ladakhi people across Leh and Kargil hailed Chairman J and K Legislative Council, Haji Anayat Ali for representing Ladakhi culture during the first day Assembly Session he dressed Ladakhi Goncha. It is pertinent to mention here that last year LAHDC Leh advised all government employees to dress Ladakhi traditional Ladakhi costume every Monday to keep Ladakh’s distinct cultural identity alive and thriving and that move of LAHDC was appreciated by officers in the district and they followed it in letter and spirit.
Chairman LAHDC Dr. Sonam Dawa once said that Jammu Kashmir Cultural Academy Leh office was already observing Ladakhi dress code every Monday and LAHDC also adopted it and made an appeal to all government employees of the district. This move is appreciated by all sections of the society and officials find it comfortable and also pride to be in their own traditional dress. The dress ‘Kos’ or ‘Goncha’ worn during winter is made of wools to suite the climatic conditions of the place.
Following an official communication from chairman LAHDC Leh regarding observing Ladakhi traditional dress code, Office of the Deputy Commissioner / CEO, LAHDC, Leh wrote to every department to follow direction of LAHDC. “It is, therefore, requested that all officials working in your department may be requested to follow the dress code. It is expected that HoDs (Head of Departments) shall lead by example. However, non-local officials shouldn’t be compelled,” the official circular from DC’s office said.
It is, however, learnt that most non-Ladakhi officials serving in Ladakh are also happily accepting to dress Ladakhi every Monday. “It is very nice to see all employees in traditional Ladakhi dress and we must congratulate LAHDC and all employees.
Every Ladakhi must now observe Ladakhi dress code every Monday as it instils a sense of pride about one’s own heritage and culture,” observed Dr. Sonam Wangchuk President Himalayan Cultural Heritage Foundation. At the LAHDC Leh’s Secretariat every Monday is observed as a ‘Ladakh Day’ as members and all officials are attired in Ladakh costume and food is served all Ladakhi. Few years ago LAHDC had made it mandatory to all business establishments and offices to write sign boards in Ladakhi along with English and it has been followed scrupulously by everyone over the years.

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