JAMMU: The J&K Tennis Ball Association will conduct selection trials for the Mini National Tennis Ball Cricket Championship (Under-14) on August 10, 2024 at Gindun Stadium, Rajbagh, Srinagar.
The trials will commence at 9:00 AM under the supervision of Ab. Rashid (I/C Selection Trails, Mob: 7006763920). Participants should arrive in proper cricketing attire and bring their Aadhaar card, domicile certificate, a physical fitness certificate, and six recent passport-sized photographs.
They should also carry their personal bat. The screening of the selected team will be held on the same day at 2:30 PM by the J&K Sports Council Screening Committee.
The chosen team will depart from Srinagar on 11th August 2024 to compete in the Mini National Championship at Jeppiaar University, Chennai, from 16th to 18th August 2024. Participants must bear their own travel expenses and should have been born after 10th August 2010.