Change of Guards

The change of guards in Jammu and Kashmir has never been smooth when it comes to coalition politics. The 2014 Assembly elections brought together two ideologically different parties for government formation and at that time Mufti Mohammad Sayeed  as Chief Minister guided  the State with his suave, astute political marksmanship. The result was State had odd enemies PDP-BJP as friends. No doubt it took over seven weeks to reach on a consensus for the government formation and there was no fear of Governor’s rule in the State at that time. Both BJP and PDP took their own time to understand and today the situation has come to the same stage once again. Emergence of a third front in the State was too not ruled out earlier with speculations of internal disturbances within the parties. But now it looks that all was speculation. At this moment PDP especially Mehabooba Mufti has full sympathy of the people and BJP does not want to miss the chance of remaining out of government especially  tasting the power for the last one year. So the compulsion to remain  afloat  would once again  make them join hands  and as everyone knows even the BJP Central as well as State leadership won’t mind sacrificing  few heads  to keep the coalition intact and alive. Internal rivalry among the partners is what is to be closely watched. Mehbooba’s big challenge will be to manage this discord with a steady hand. As a woman Chief Minister in a conservative society, the ascent of Mehbooba Mufti embodies a new symbolic moment in Kashmir. Her challenge will be to continue her father’s legacy with a politics of bridge-building.  Given the complexity of politics in Kashmir, militancy and cross-border terror, Pakistan equation, the controversy over the State Flag should fly side by side with the National Flag, radicalisation of youth and more youth joining the militant ranks it will be a tough task for the first time would be Chief Minister Mehabooba Mufti.

Change of Guardseditorial article 1
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