Teacher can’t write essay on cow; what about JU adhoc lecturers

Is there anyone to put the ‘abilities’ of JU adhoc lecturers to test in order to call their bluff?

JAMMU: Administrative inertia, collapse of institutions and degeneration of system have emerged compelling factors for judiciary
and fourth estate of the world’s largest democracy to react and reassert in order to safeguard the public interest. Corruption, nepotism
and favouritsm have been the most critical off-shoots of the plagued system that have added up to the malady and taken so deep
roots, which, at times, seem to be hard to uproot to save the civilized social-structure. In Jammu and Kashmir, the systematic collapse of
institutions has given growth to the cult of appeasement in every sphere of activity. Employment sector has been the worse hit. This
may perhaps be the reason for deserving and talented unemployed to seek redressal, not from the government, which has been a perpetrator, but from the Courts of Law. Disposing off a petition, challenging appointment of a Rehbar-e-Taleem teacher, Jammu and Kashmir High Court recently turned into an examination centre for some time when the judge, to test a teacher’s abilities, asked him to write an essay on cow and solve a 4th grader’s Maths problem, adjudged him having failed, and ordered registration of an FIR against him. The mark sheet of the teacher reflected him to have secured 74 per cent, 73 per cent and 66 per cent in Urdu, English and Maths
respectively. To test his worth and ability, the Court asked him to translate a simple line from English to Urdu and vice versa. He failed to impress the Judge. Then he was asked to write an essay on cow but he failed again. He claimed to have better grip on Maths and when put to test, he again disappointed the Court, which made the Judge to observe, “In this situation, what would be the fate of the State has to
be only visualized…The school going children…would pass out as blockheads”. This being the plight of a Rehbar-e- Taleem teacher,
what about the Adhoc Lecturers appointed in the University of Jammu, some of whom, despite carrying the testimonials of doctorate, are not even able to write a single line. How can they guide the destiny of young boys and girls coming to the Temple of the learning for pursuing studies? The only qualification of some of these has been to brow beat the University management as student leaders. They had created such a terror in the campus that those at helm found it convenient to have them as faculty after bypassing all the channels of selection. They owe their rehabilitation as Adhoc Lecturers to their high degree of arrogance and the art of blackmail. Despite resentment of the students and annoyance of the genuine faculty, nobody is mustering the courage to terminate their adhoc appointments. They
are not only continuing on the pay rolls of the university but also continuing with their ‘tricks and nerve testing tactics’ by browbeating the varasity management. Is there anyone to put the ‘abilities’ of this segment of Adhoc Lecturers to test in order to call their bluff?
Is there anyone to indict those as well who appointed them in duress, like the Judge did in the case of Rehbar-e-Taleem. He called the authorities appointing the teacher as “soulless” and pulled them up for overlooking and “criminally committing Himalyan blunders”.
Who will bridle the Adhoc Lecturers and save the University of Jammu from their wrath?

BLUNT BUTCHERTeacher can’t write essay on cow
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