Tanda village deputation meets SDM

Sunderbani deputationff
SUNDERBANI: A deputation of Tanda village led by its Lambardar met Sub District Magistrate (SDM) Sunderbani, Hitesh Gupta here at his office on Monday.
The delegation members apprised SDM Sunderbani, that after creating of new Tehsil status to Beri Pattan, the Tanda village was put under the Beri Pattan Tehsil. The deputation demanded that the Tanda Village should be brought back under Sunderbani Tehsil.
The SDM gave patient hearing to the deputation and assured that he will take up matter with the authorities concerned.
The deputation members warned that if State Government failed to consider the demand they would be forced to start agitation and for any consequences the whole responsibility shall lie on the government.
Prem Singh, Monnsha Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Gurjeet Singh, Niranjan Singh and Modi Sena leaders were also present in the meeting.

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