Substance abuse harms not only individual but also their family, society: Sham Lal


JAMMU: Shri Kailakh Jyotish Avim Vedic Sansthan Trust organized a awareness rally in Kangrail village to promote Sanskrit and raise awareness about drug prevention as part of Sanskrit Month.
The rally, which began at Government High School Kangrail, aimed to convey important messages to the community about the benefits of Sanskrit and the dangers of drug abuse.
The event featured various activities, including tree planting and the distribution of educational materials. The chief guest, former minister Sham Lal Sharma, praised the Trust’s initiative, emphasizing the importance of education in combating drug abuse. Sharma highlighted that education is a powerful tool in fighting the ills of drug use and encouraged a focus on learning as a productive alternative.
“Substance abuse harms not only an individual but also their family and society,” he said.
Mahant Rohit Shastri stressed the language’s foundational role in Indian culture and its influence on other languages. He urged the community to support efforts to advance Sanskrit, noting its significance in understanding Indian traditions and enhancing intellectual growth. Shastri emphasized that Sanskrit’s contribution to other languages underscores its importance and encourages its promotion. Dil Bahadur Singh Jamwal advocated for teaching Sanskrit at home to foster its use and appreciation among children, while Rajan Sharma discussed the detrimental effects of drug addiction on physical, mental, and familial well-being.
The event was attended by various dignitaries, including school principal Rakesh Verma, former Sarpanch Dr. Shallu Sharma, and other local figures.
Their presence underscored the community’s commitment to both the promotion of Sanskrit and the fight against drug abuse, reflecting a united effort towards cultural and social betterment.

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