‘Stop unchecked excavation in Verinag’

SRINAGAR: Kashmir Society Chairman Khawaja Farooq Renzu Shah has expressed serious concern over illegal excavation of several hill features in the vicinity of Verinag.
Shah said it has been noted on spot that half of the portion of such vital hills have been excavated without any plan, survey or expert opinion. During a recent conference which was organized in Verinag it was observed on spot that even those hills which have green plantation were subjected to unregulated excavation. It is surprising that how hills around source of Jhelum have been brought under swift excavation and the precious stones are being exported out of Verinag without any proper ecological, environmental forest, tourist and other surveys & expert opinions. It is necessary that before allowing such random uncontrolled excavation the experts should assess its disastrous effect. In case experts do not ponder over on the dangerous consequences of erasing the Guard hills around Verinag ,it may turn back Kashmir in to sati-sar.

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