Stop shooting the messenger

Dear Editor,
I always thought that with every passing year Indian civilisation will emerge as tolerant, civilised and a reformed nation and will show the world that this nation which has always shown the world the light of rationality and education be it spirituality or religious reforms, it will continue to lead the way.Hinduism is the mother of numerous religions as it is tolerant and has a space for all accommodations. It is unfortunate that recent actions of so called care takers of Hinduism have tried to squeeze this religion into a micro level. A follower of Hinduism does not need dictates of any organisation of a fanatic group as this religion needs no certificates and protection of any.
A wonderful creation or any art can’t harm any religion but it can reform some of the weak points that too created by superstitions or so called managers of religion. What is wrong in it. Why do we always shoot the messenger? There is always scope for improvement and reform. Had Hindu religion not reformed there would have been practices of Sati or isolation of widows still existing.Time teaches us how to improvise our approach. I always felt that Indian movies are side lined when it comes to perfect creation awards like Oscars. We as a society dont have taste and patience to watch fabulous movies like PK. We always create issues when it comes to reality and truth. Our society lacks a big heart and why we should blame Talibanism when we also follow their foot steps.A one line is an eye opener in this movie” Do we create God or God creates us. “We need to answer this simple question.We create Bhawans in multiple acres of land and ignore poor who fight to get a 6/6 room through out their life. Isnt this hypocrisy? We pour thousands of liters of milk on Murtis in temples but ignore infants who don’t have a drop of milk to moist their dry throats. These practices may satisfy our religious egos but I am afraid it will never satisfy our consciousness. Religion is never a path oriented practice but a concept. The fate of so called Babas is in front of us but still we protect the illusions. Time to wake up and stop shooting messengers.
Sanjay Raina

Sanjay RainaStop shooting
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