Statins therapy necessary for reducing cardiovascular diseases: Dr Sushil

JAMMU: Galvanising his campaign to sensitise the common populace about the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, Dr. Sushil Sharma and his team provided health services at the door steps of the residents
living in Digiana area of the Jammu city. The health camp was started early in the morning in the premises of Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha Digiana Camp wherein about 300 patients were examined and free tests conducted and medicines were given as per the requirements.
While interacting with the patients, Dr Sushil said that it is a matter of grave concern that cardiovascular disease still remains the leading cause of death and a major cause of disability affecting quality of life globally. Elevated cholesterol is one of the key risk factors accounting for a substantial proportion of this disease burden. While cholesterol is essential for life, too much of it in our blood can increase our risk for stroke and heart disease. Cholesterol travels through our bloodstream in protein/fat (lipoprotein) particles.
One type of particle, called Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), delivers cholesterol to the body. LDLs are often called “bad” cholesterol.
Another type of particle, called High-Density Lipoprotein (HDLs) assists in the removal of cholesterol from the bloodstream. HDLs are often called “good” cholesterol.
A high HDL level (greater than 60) is considered to be a protective factor against heart disease. Each 1 mg/dl increase in HDL cholesterol reduces CHD risk by 2 per cent in men and 3 per cent in women. Since HDL is a good cholesterol, higher the level better for the heart, he simplified.
He exhorted that achieving the right balance between atherogenic lipoproteins (as in LDL) and atheroprotective lipoproteins (as in HDL) are key to reducing cardiovascular risk. HDL has been shown to have a number of atheroprotective properties.
Heart healthy diet, physical activity and fibre rich food has the ingrained capacity to lower the level of cholesterol in the body. Most importantly, Statin therapy is helpful in people with high cholesterol concentration. Statins are the “gold-standard” for high cholesterol treatment. They are a powerful medication, and they have been proven to save the lives of many people living with or having a high or intermediate risk of heart attack or stroke.
Management Committee of the Gurudwara Davinder Singh , Mohan Singh , Mohinder Singh and Basant Singh appreciated the efforts of Dr Sushil and his team for accepting their request and conducted cardiac awareness cum Medical camp in their area. Others who were part of this move included Dr. Dhaneshwar Kapoor, Dr. Anitipal Singh, Dr Chakshu Mahajan and Dr Parvinder Kour. Paramedics and volunteers included Kamal Sharma, Kashmiri Lal, Raghav Rajput, Harvinder Singh, Suresh Sharma, Prabjot Singh, Sunny Jalotria, Gourav Sharma, Vikas Sabharwal, Aman Gupta, Rajkumar, Ankush Kohli and Vikas Kumar.

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