SRS reiterates demand of trifurcation of J&K

JAMMU: State President, Shri Ram Sena, Jammu and Kashmnir, Rajiv Mahajan asked Nerandra Modi led Central Government to immediately separate Jammu and Ladakh region from Kashmir to end discrimination with the citizens of Jammu and Ladakh at the hands of Kashmiri rulers.
In a statement issued on Saturday, Rajiv Mahajan said “We have our own political, social and economical aspirations, which cannot be met under the 70-year-old Kashmir dominated dispensation.” He slammed BJP for putting Jammu’s interests and development subservient to the pleasure of Kashmir based political party for remaining stuck to power.
Mahajan lamented that for the past three years of BJP- PDP dispensation, Jammu has been the worst sufferer of discrimination at the hands of Kashmir dominant rulers.
Mahajan said the partnership of the ruling alliance parities, BJP and PDP sans unity with the result that the people of the State in general and the Jammu region in particular are suffering on account of development.
Alleging that present Coalition Government failed on all fronts, Rajiv Mahajan said the 25 BJP MLAs failed to ensure justice and equitable development of all three regions in the State. “Trifurcation of the State is the only viable option that can meet the aspirations of not only the people of Jammu region but also of Ladakh and Kashmir regions,” he said adding that people of Jammu and Ladakh regions suffered in all walks of life- in development activities, in services and in allocation of funds.
Mahajan appealed to the Prime Minister to make provision for separating Jammu and Ladakh regions from Kashmir declaring Jammu as separate State, Kashmir a separate State and Ladakh as Union Territory for equitable justice and development.

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