Social service fosters spirit of empathy and leadership in students: Principal JKPS Kunjwani


JAMMU: Quoting the immortal words of Martin Luther King, Jr, Parthivi of Grade IX said, “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart, full of grace. A soul generated by love”.
Reinforcing the theme of the School Assembly, another brilliant student from the class Mohd Shadab quoted Dalai Lama and stated, “It is not enough to be compassionate – you must act”.

Principal JKPS Kunjwani Rajesh Rathore and students addressing morning assembly on Saturday.

“Social service is a vital aspect of grooming in every progressive school, like, JK Public School, Kunjwani and it focuses on enhancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. It promotes social change, development, and the empowerment of people, particularly those who are marginalized or disadvantaged”, he added.
Highlighting the importance of social work and its systematic training being imparted to JKiians, Harman brought forth several ways by which JKPS Kunjwani grooms students for the future needs.
“The school encourages students to participate in community outreach programs like helping at shelters, visiting old age homes, blind schools, and orphanages”.
Applauding the school activities, pitched in Parthivi again, reflecting on the brilliant format of the school.
She said, “Teachers conduct role-play activities in the classes to teach empathy by having students step into the shoes of people facing different challenges. Sharing of real-life stories of individuals make us overcome hardships through social work, followed by discussions to reflect on the impact of helping others”.
Giving the audience a peep into the life-style of a well-groomed JKiian, Shivanik shared the content of his Diary writing, which made everyone feel thrilled and delighted.
Dear Diary,
It proved to be an extremely fulfilling and rewarding day. I woke up early, and the first thing I did was heading towards the garden to feed the birds, my little friends. What a surge of bliss overpowers me when I watch them gather around, chirping happily as they peck at the grains. The early-winter breeze was so refreshing, and the morning sunshine made the sky orange, as if I was catching glimpses of a huge painting. I love how the birds feel pally with me now-especially the little sparrows that come to my close vicinity and feel so relaxed, not at all intimidated.
Afterward, I went to the backyard to take care of our cow. Her name is Shailja, and she’s been a part of our family for a while now. It’s a calming process-feeding her and making sure she’s clean and comfortable. There’s a strange satisfaction in rearing an animal, knowing that you’re responsible for its care. Today, I brushed her coat and gave her some fresh fodder. She nuzzled me after, as if to say thank you, and it made my morning even brighter.
Once I was done with Shailja, I headed inside to help mom with the household chores. Since our domestic help was given an off on account of Maha Navami, so we cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, and I helped her organize the living room. It might seem like small work, but it always feels good to assist her. I know how much effort she puts into making sure the house runs smoothly, and being able to lighten her load, even a little, makes me feel like I’m contributing.
One of the gratifying parts of the day was teaching Koel, our housemaid’s daughter, how to read. She’s such a bright girl, always eager to learn, and today we spent some time going over her lessons. My joy knew no bounds when she read out the lesson in English very nicely, confidently and with polished pronunciation, which learnt from me the previous day.
In the evening, I joined Dad in the lawn to work on our small vegetable patch. He’s been teaching me how to care for it properly, and I love that we get to do this together. We watered the plants and pruned some of the leaves that had dried up. There’s something really special about working in the garden with him-it’s like our quiet time, just me, Dad, and the earth. We talked about life, plans for the weekend, and what we could plant next season.
While I’m making these entries in my diary and giving vent to my overwhelming emotions, I feel myself on cloud nine. Today wasn’t about grand achievements or anything extraordinary, but it was a day full of small moments of joy, care, and social service. Helping others and making contributions in the house-hold chores always fill me with immense joy.
Thanks, dear Diary, for harboring my feelings.
Principal JKPS Kunjwani Rajesh Rathore applauded the reflections of students and expressed his joy over their meaningful grooming. He stated, “Instilling social service into school life not only helps students develop empathy and leadership skills but also builds a sense of responsibility and moral commitment to our society at large. These qualities foster empathy, feeling of compatibility, co-existence while evolving their better versions with every passing day. JKPS Kunjwani feels proud of producing empathetic, compassionate and responsible citizens who are committed to contribute very positively to our society and the nation building process”.

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