Snatching Moments

Dear Editor,
The importance of time has been discussed in every era. The concern about this has always been deep and everyone understands it. But something else happens on the ground. Time is valuable, precious, precious, priceless. It never comes back. Despite knowing everything, have we ever thought that there are time robbers around us, who steal our time and push us back in life. Do not allow us to reach success. Many times when we want to do some important work, we lack time. Those who have tasted failure in life know very well when, where, how and who has wasted their time.
It is only after failure that we remember how much of our time was wasted. Only he who does not waste time is successful. Today’s young generation understands this better. But those who stole time have also corrupted many youth. The meaning is that in everyone’s life sometimes we do things that steal time and sometimes we do things that save time. Time savers enhance lives. from my own experiences I can identify them, because there is no special difference between the two. A very fine line divides these two. We have often seen that some people sometimes become so engrossed in conversation that they do not realize the time. Meanwhile, they are unable to do many of their important tasks. Here both are going to waste or steal each other’s time. Both wasted each other’s time.
On one hand meaningful conversation gives us some lessons, on the other hand meaningless conversation also gives us the lesson that in this type of conversation Taking time is not a good thing. Where our time is of no use, neither for us nor for anyone else, then we should understand that time stealers are working there. An example can be seen. A roadside pani-puri vendor serves pani-puri to many customers simultaneously, counts them, and simultaneously prepares the pani-puri as per the customers’ choice. Even after doing many tasks simultaneously, he keeps himself fit. During this time he still has time left. He makes full use of his short time. this happens many times If we are going somewhere, then someone tells us that the road ahead is bad… you will not be able to go. At that time he appears to us as a time waster. If we find the road really bad, then that person becomes a time saver for us. There is only this much difference between the two.
Sometimes some work takes more time than we need. This means that a time-wasting element is at work there. Sometimes a task gets done easily, then our time-saving aspect comes into play unknowingly. We If we decide that we do not want to spend more time on this work, then we have become a time saver. People who work at computers often spend many hours checking and responding to emails. Whereas more important work is waiting for them. Stories criticizing someone, stories of jealousy etc. are just wasting time. On the other hand, listening to good thoughts, playing like a child with children and doing work in which we are interested, all these are our time savers. Nowadays, children spend a lot of time on mobile and social media. Goes to forums i.e. Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. Will not be able to understand this right now. But later, when they are unable to complete many tasks, then they realize how much time they have wasted. The thief of time is the biggest enemy of those who cannot keep their table clean. To understand this, it is enough to see the student’s books, notebooks, clothes, bag etc. Everything kept neatly shows that the time-saving mind is with them. The factors that waste time are scattered all around us. just carefully If we see, we will understand who is helpful in improving our life. There is a limit to everyone’s time.
The element that steals time plays an important role in the lives of those who have failed. These teach us to waste time, while time savers teach us to sow time. It is up to us as to whom we want to make as our friends. What is even more important is that we should also examine and identify whether we are the ones wasting time for someone else.
Vijay Garg

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