Sham cautions people against BJP’s sinister political agenda

AKHNOOR: Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, senior Congress leader and contestant, Sham Lal Sharma on Sunday cautioned people against BJP’s sinister political hidden agenda.
He was addressing several election meetings at Sumah and Ghai villages in Kandi belt of Akhnoor constituency. He accused BJP of hijacking the agenda of Hurriyat Conference and NC first and later appeasing separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani by inviting him to join mainstream politics only to fulfill party’s dream of grabbing power in J and K.
Expressing his astonishment over BJP’s softened stance on Geelani, Sham questioned that what led the saffron party leaders to suddenly bow to hardcore separatist who for the last six decades was indulged in anti India activities.
Asking people to judge the ulterior motive of BJP, Sham said that only Congress can provide transparent and development oriented government which can steer the state to new heights of progress and prosperity.
Sharma accuses BJP for adopting double standards especially in case of its stand on Article 370. He said that BJP leaders change their stance on this vital issue only to satiate their vested interests, in Delhi they are against this article, in Kashmir they are for this article and in Jammu, the path in somewhere in-between.
He appealed to Jammu electorate especially educated youth, intellectuals and social organisations to keep a track on BJP’s U-Turns on issues pertaining to Jammu’s interests and evaluate that to what extent such sinister plans could affect the future course of this place. He asked them to remain watchful against BJP’s pro Kashmiri and separatist nexus.
Sham sought people’s support to make Akhnoor a model constituency in J and K.

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