Shah uses crop insurance scheme to woo farmers

New Delhi:- BJP chief Amit Shah today used the new crop insurance scheme to reach out to farmers claiming Narendra Modi government’s decision will rank among the “biggest” steps taken for their welfare since Independence as they will draw “maximum benefit by paying minimal premium”.

Speaking to the media soon after the government made the announcement about the ‘Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna’, Shah said the scheme will rid farmers of the web of complex rules of the earlier schemes and they can now avail maximum benefits.

“For years, farmers were caught in the complexities of existing insurance schemes and were not able to avail all benefits. Now the government has come out with a scheme under which they will be able to draw the maximum benefits by paying minimal premium.

“I think this decision will rank among the biggest decisions taken for the welfare of farmers since Independence,” he said.

In a swipe at the previous UPA government, Shah said it had introduced “capping” due to which farmers were given “very less” compensation while their premium had risen by anywhere between 22-57 per cent. This has been abolished now, he said.

Speaking about the premium of 2 per cent for kharif crops, 1.5 per cent of rabi and 5 per cent for commercial crops, he said it will result in an increase of 500 per cent in the Centre’s financial load while benefiting farmers.

Top BJP leaders are hopeful that the decision will help the party burnish its pro-farmer credentials as the Congress- led opposition has relentlessly portrayed it as “anti-farmer.”

It had forced the government last year to shelve its move to amend the land acquisition law by projecting it against the interest of farmers.

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