Sena asks if BJP will label Himachal CM anti-national

Mumbai: Shiv Sena today warned the BJP of people’s ire if it goes ahead with the proposed India-Pakistan cricket T20 World Cup match and questioned if the party will label Himachal Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh “anti-national” for opposing it.

“Virbhadra Singh has opposed the match in his state. This opposition is not political and neither is it religious. This opposition is for the country as families of many slain jawans reside there.

“If he (Singh) thinks that holding a match will be a disrespect to the martyred soldiers, will you (the BJP) label him an ‘anti-national’ and hang him for this crime?” Sena said in an editorial in its mouthpiece ‘Saamana’.

Singh had said the game should be shifted out of Dharamsala to respect popular sentiments after the Pathankot terror attacks.

He had also said the state government cannot ensure security of players and that welcoming Pakistani players on Indian soil will be a “disrespect to the martyred soldiers”.

Taunting the Centre over its stand to ensure security of Pakistani players in India, Sena questioned “what happens to its self-confidence on other occasions”.

Sena also warned the BJP of people’s ire if it goes ahead with the match despite objections.

The alliance partner asked, “Will playing the cricket match stop farmers suicides in Maharashtra and other parts of the country? Will there be peace in Jammu & Kashmir? Will our soldiers be safe on borders? Will pro-Pakistan slogans stop?”

It further said Pakistani investigation agencies coming to India to investigate the Pathankot attacks is an “insult to soldiers” and that though the government has changed, Pakistan appeasement has not ceased.

“We have a very straight question to ask…we may not know much on foreign policy and maintaining relations with neighbours, but if this match does not happen, will all hell break loose? Will appeasing Pakistanis suddenly get us all the black money stacked abroad?” questioned Sena.


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