Say No to Drug: Yes to Life

Sunil Vaid

International day against Drug abuse and illicit trafficking, or World Drug days is marked on June 26 every year to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving world free of drug abuse. It also encourages people across the world to quit addiction and live a healthier life. The event began after the adoption of a resolution in December 1987 at the United Nations. The Day also honors Lin ZEXU who played key role in the demolition of opium trade in GUANDONG region of China. Drug abuse and illicit trafficking continue to pose a significant threat to individuals, families and communities across the world. Precious lives are being lost and world is losing their prime asset the youth due to this Menace. Together, the people across the World have to amplify their efforts to combat the global Drug problem, guided by the principles of science, compassion and solidarity. Through collective action & commitment to evidence based solution, we have to create a Drug free world where people live healthy lives. The day aims to raise awareness about the importance of treating people who use drugs with respect and empathy providing evidence based voluntary services for all; offering alternative to punishment prioritizing prevention and leading with compassion. The campaign also aims to combat stigma & discrimination against people who use drugs by promoting language and attitudes that are respectful & Non-judgmental. The theme for this year is “People first; STOP Stigma & Discrimination, Strengthen prevention” The world celebrates the day by organizing different events for people of different age groups especially youngsters to make them aware about the ill side effects of drug abuse and its addiction. On this day conversations should be initiated about drug addiction & abuse with younger sibling, kids & other relatives, other than talking about its side effects, people should create a favorable environment for victims of drug abuse. This will help them get rid of the stigma attached to it & encourage them to leave this habit.
Drug addiction is spreading fast among Indian youth. According to a survey by the Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment, India has more than 70 millions drug addicts. It is a serious health problem which not only destroys the health of the person involved but his entire family, the society and the nation. It promotes anti-social behaviors such as stealing crime & violence. It also effects the economic growth of a country by generating unaccounted money that is also used for Terror funding and anti-national activities. Therefore, it is also a serious threat to national security. India is located between two largest opium producing regions in the world, Golden triangle on the eastern side; Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam & Laos. Golden crescent on the North Western side; Pakistan, Afghanistan & Iran. According to the Global burden of disease study, Illicit drugs are estimated to have killed nearly 7.5 lakh people world over in one year.
There are over 14.09 lakh drug addicts in Jammu & Kashmir using different forms of drugs ranging form Alcohol to Cocaine to Hallucinogen, as per revelation of Union Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment. Jammu & Kashmir has witnessed a surge in drug abuse in the last few years & civil society groups, religious groups & political parties have also expressed concern over the growing drug abuse in the region & urged the authorities to take concrete & solid steps to prevent people from falling prey to drug abuse. The drug abuse in J&K is rampant with the main rehabilitation facility in J&K reporting 2660% increase in patients seeking treatment since 2016. Primarily heroin addiction. The number of people who require helps twice the national average. Addicts are rich and poor, employed & unemployed & overwhelming young. Few Kashmeries, who have suffered multiple relapses, reveal how easily Heroin is available & the toll it has taken on their lives in conflict – ridden region that is one of the world’s most Militarized Zones.
Religious centres & educational institutions should assumes a new role by doubling up as counseling & testing centres to curb the fast spreading menace of drugs. With Arms & Terror infiltration becoming difficult, Pakistan has now resorted to peddling drugs to degenerate youth of J&K. The Govt is taking a sustained and coordinated action for arresting the problem of substances abuse among the youth . This include (i) Launching of Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA) in 272 most vulnerable districts under which a massive community outreach is being done with the help of about 8000 youth volunteers. The actions also include intensive preventive & interdiction efforts along known drug routes & strict surveillance and enforcement at import export points.
Campaigns, rallies, posters designing and many other programs should be conducted. People of different countries should celebrate the day together. As drug use is increasing, the day becomes more important. “Support don’t punish” campaign be encouraged. Raise awareness & empower communities with tools & resources to implement evidence based prevention initiatives fostering resilience against drug abuse and prolong community led solutions. Provide youth with knowledge, skills and resources to become agents of change in their communities advocating drug prevention initiatives. Promote International cooperation among, government, organizations& implement evidence based strategies for combating drug trafficking & drug abuse becoming an organized crime globe over. Drugs are waste of time. They destroy our health, our memory, self respect & everything that goes along with self esteem. Don’t let drugs steal your dreams. Life is a beautiful journey & don’t let youngsters ruin it with drugs.
Break the habit & live a drug free life.

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