Sahil Mehra from Yogatvam demonstrates Yoga at Body Building and Fitness C’ship


JAMMU: Sahil Mehra, renowned yoga practitioner and instructor at Yogatvam, delivered a compelling yoga demonstration at the Jammu and Kashmir Body Building and Fitness Championship, held at A Y Resort Sainik Colony on February 24.
Organized by the Body Building Association of Jammu and Kashmir (BBAJK) in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir Sports Council, the event witnessed the participation of approximately 70 bodybuilders across various categories.
Sahil Mehra’s captivating display of Yoga Asanas not only showcased the physical prowess achievable through yoga but also highlighted its role in promoting holistic well-being and resilience against harmful habits. Honoured by the organizers for his impactful contribution, Sahil Mehra received accolades for his dedication to spreading awareness about the benefits of yoga beyond its physical aspects.
The championship, inaugurated by esteemed guests including Raman Bhalla, Ex-Minister, and Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, President of the Jammu and Kashmir Olympic Association, served as a platform to celebrate athleticism and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Rajesh dutta BBAJK, expressed gratitude to Sahil Mehra for his inspiring demonstration, recognizing the significant role of yoga in enhancing physical fitness and mental resilience.
The event, attended by notable figures such as Surinder Singh Kala, Vinay Sharma, and Parveen Singh Lucky, underscored the collective effort to encourage positive habits and empower the youth of Jammu and Kashmir.

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