Sadguru Madhu Paramhans delivers religious discourse


SAMBA: On the eve of Purnima, Sadguru Madhu Paramhans ji Maharaj of Sant Ashram Ranjri said that saints of Bhakti movement of India caused a paradigm shift in the philosophy by revealing the super secrets beyond the realms of ‘Sagun’ and ‘Nirgun’ through their sheer self-realisation attained in the highest state of Samadhi.

“This oriental stream of saints held that you couldn’t confine the Supreme Being through any form of rituals, recitation of Mantras, yogic postures or Naam-Kamaai”, the Sadguru Maharaj said adding it is beyond the material intellect to determine the infinite. He said that the only way out is a complete and wholehearted surrender before an accomplished Sadguru, who is powerhouse of spirituality emanating spiritual rays. “He is capable of transforming any body through these rays. This process of transformation is like that of a Bhringa who converts insects into his prototypes”, Madhu Paramhans Maharaj said adding that secret chemistry of Sadguru is that he transforms his disciple by the same process as adopted by Bhringa. “This is the secret of transformation of a disciple by infusing divine current of a secret ‘Nam’ by Sadguru”, Madhu Paramhans ji Maharaj revealed and added that a disciple need not to recite books, Jaap Mantras or do Nam-kamaai. “The only thing you are required to do is to surrender yourself completely to Sadguru. He will pass on his powerful spiritual rays to you by various methods on every occasion you meet him”, he maintained.

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