The administration, right from the day one of the formation of the Union Territory, has introduced several major reforms for bringing in a significant change in the work culture and official system, so that the people can be served in the best possible way. Besides making employees accountable for the making, several initiatives were also taken to ensure cent per cent transparency in the Government work, so that all directives are implemented effectively on ground level and benefits of the welfare schemes are percolated down to the deserving beneficiaries, without any diversion or hanky-panky. The initiatives taken by the administration have shown significant results as now even an ordinary man can approach the highest chair and raise his grievances, without any hesitation. A distinguished feature of the UT administration is that it simply not stops after implementing a decision or policy but after taking proper follow-ups, makes necessary corrections as per the needs and aspirations of people, so that the target for which any decision or plan has been formulated, can be met. Now, in another significant step in ensuring transparency in the working system, the Government has directed all its officials not to go for mass-transfers and remain stuck only to need-based postings with a single aim to improve efficiency and work performance. As per sources, as a step to stop conversion of transfers into an industry, thereby ensuring a check on the corrupt practices in place on name of transfers, the Government has directed all the administrative secretaries and other officers not to go for mass-transfers without any need. It was also directed that if an employee is working efficiently on a particular posting, he or she should not be transferred only on the basis that the employee has completed two years of posting, as his tenure can be extended further. This employee and people -friendly decision would go a long way in enhancing efficiency among officials besides putting an effective check on the corrupt malpractices, which were prevalent in some departments on the name of transfers. It is expected that this decision, along with several others in future, will enhance the efficiency and accountability of the entire working system of the Union territory, in a big way.

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