Repeal of anti-conversion law

K.V Seetharamaiah

For a party that comes to power dislodging the earlier dispensation, priority is accorded to reverse the laws passed by the previous government. Assurance made in manifestos will take its own time to fulfill if at all the matter is taken in all seriousness.
Political vendetta gets first priority. Repeal of anti-conversion law and lessons dropped from school text books in Karnataka after Congress came to power are cases in point.
Repeal of anti-conversion law signifies that the present government in Karnataka is keen to ensure the reduction of Hindu population. Conversion racket gets fillip with the abolition of anti-conversion law. Conversion from one faith to another changes the very demographic character of the nation. Conversion through inducements and coercion gains momentum with the abolition of anti-conversion law.
The abolition of anti-conversion law must be challenged in the Karnataka.
If need be in the Supreme Court. Power and position are not permanent. Congress needs to realise that it has already started drawing flak from people for giving in one hand and taking it from the other.
The moment BJP comes to power, it may resort to revive anti-conversion law in the same name or in different name.
Abolishing and bringing back the laws by the government headed by different political parties at different times make the mockery of ruling parties for their childish behaviour. Certainly anti-people laws must be undone.
Mass conversions can never be regarded as pro-people activity. Conversions are disturbing the peace and tranquility among people.
By rescinding the anti-conversion law, if Congress thinks that BJP has been given slap, it is sadly mistaken. If the time devoted to cheap politics is spared for developmental activities, the people are served better.
The lesson on Hedgewar and Savarkar has been dropped by Karnataka government. Patriots are hated and villains like Tippu Sultan who was responsible for massacre of innocent people are revered by Congress. This does not augur well. Lok Sabha election has been fast approaching.
If the Congress comes to power and plays the same game as it played in Karnataka, it is nothing but vindictive action much to the detrimental of nation’s progress. In the feud between rival parties, the people are sufferers. Suffering people may swerve from right path. It is not good. If it happens so, it is “as is the king, so are the subjects”.

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